This category is for endurance related posts. Search here for running, swimming and biking tips and instruction from Chris.
The Kettletown 50k
The Kettletown 50k Up, down, and round-around…. I was struggling to keep moving up a near vertical slope studded with rocks. My heart hammering. My legs complaining. My breathing ragged. I’d already fallen down 3 times my Hokas catching on the rocks. The vertical was way worse than I expected. On a scale of 1-10 …
Easing into Speed Work
Easing into Speed Work Making the un-approachable approachable When you first start speedwork at the track it is going to feel very foreign to you. If you’ve never done it before your legs and body won’t know what to do. You have to ease into it and not lose hope. Like everything else it takes …
Let’s talk about Fartlek
Let’s talk about Fartlek Why? What’s the point of ‘speed-play’? The concept of fartlek came from the Swedish runners of my generation. Most distance runners at the time trained at specific structured paces and distances. What the Swedes figured out was that races don’t happen at structured paces and distances. Fartleks are also a great …
Fitness, recovery and the 2013 Boston Marathon
Fitness, recovery and the 2013 Boston Marathon Experience gives me pause. (Editor’s note: This was originally published in April of 2013) These are interesting times for me. In two weeks I’ll be running my 15th Boston Marathon. I’m happy to be running after a fitful 18 month hiatus due to plantar Fasciitis. I’ve been training …