The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-334 – Nate and the Relationship Between Alcohol and Running
(Audio: link)
Link epi4334.mp3
Team Hoyt Boston 2016 Campaign ->
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Hello and welcome to episode 4-334 of the RunRunLive Podcast. This is a milestone podcast. With this episode I have caught up to Steve who is currently on episode 334 of Pheddipidations! See? Consistency! Tourtoise and the hare and all that.
Great to have you along with me today on this sweet, sweet spring adventure up here in New England. Welcome and thank you for taking the time to download this podcast and listen to it. Maybe you’re out on your run and you can feel your heart beating, breath in your lungs and your feet hitting the ground. Maybe you’re in your car with the slow thrum of the road vibrating through your body. Maybe you’re at work pretending to be interested in that thing that you to keep the bailiff away from your door. Whatever it is – I’ve got a fantastic show for you today.
(See how I used hyperbole there? I’m telling you it’s fantastic to hypnotize you into thinking that way. I have no idea if it’s fantastic or not. I’m mean really that would mean it’s so good it can only be considered as a fantasy. If that’s true you should probably upgrade your fantasies.)
Words have power. Thoughts have power. The power to teach, to console to salve the wounds of a soul. Don’t discount the power of words.
Words are the manifestation of thought and thought is the precursor to action.
Sorry – meandered a bit off track there.
Anyhow – My training has been going fantastic! Heh heh. I am right where I need to be for Boston. Everyone stop right now and pray for good weather. Work with me here. I want mid-40’s, overcast, with maybe a slight misty drizzle and a 5 mph tail wind.
I finished off another build cycle of 50 mile weeks that culminated in a really good showing at Stu’s 30k last Sunday. At the end of a cycle, on tired legs, on a difficult course I ran a disciplined negative spilt. I laid low for the first 8-9 miles then raced the second half. It was a real confidence builder. I felt like I knew what I was doing and was in control the whole way. I closed it hard and ended up averaging spot-on my qualifying pace.
Today we chat with Nate who you may recognize as ‘Nate from Harrisburg’ from the Extramile Podcast. I had a couple of conversations recently about the relationship between running and Alcohol and I wanted to explore it more with people who know more than I do. Nate is a counselor who has worked with addiction and also a runner so I thought this would be a good place to start.
I don’t claim to have any expertise here. I know I have been affected by addiction and I’m sure many of you have as well. I’m not here to minimize the topic or glorify it. I just wanted to have a thoughtful conversations about it. I wish I could do more, but for better or worse today Nate and I have a conversation around alcohol and running.
In the first section I’m going to talk about how to program workouts into your running watch. In the second section I’ll ramble on about some other, general, random crap like I usually do.
I had a really good race last weekend. I ran well and disciplined and my body showed glimpses of race fitness and ability that I haven’t seen in a while. I’ve been here before. Approaching the peak of a solid, long, committed training cycle. I remember those days when I crossed the finish line fists raised in glorious triumph. I do remember being this strong and healthy before and how tenuous and slippery the foothold is on those peaks.
We remember the glorious days, the big successes the big victories. But we don’t remember the hard work that went into making those triumphs possible. The long days and hard efforts and continuous, insistent, focused work that got us to those peaks – those fade into a dreary montage and all we remember is a summary. We remember that we are capable of these great things. But we forget that we need to do the work that goes into attaining them. The meal is remembered the recipe is lost.
The same is true for failure. We remember the pain of falling down but we forget the thousands of choices that led to it.
When you crest the big hill and unexpectedly find there is a flatter bit of road and the going gets easier. It’s easy to relax and fall prey to an entropy of spirit. Whether the slope is steep and your breathing labored or you find yourself moving with strength and ease the work is always there.
Remember to smile when you find that ease and congratulate yourself for climbing to this point. But remember that the work that is done in the times of ease is the work that leads to success in the times of strain.
The trick is to hold the smiles in one hand and the work in the other and keep moving forward.
On with the Show!
Section one – Running Tips
How to program workouts into your Garmin –
Voices of reason – the conversation
Nate Wagner
My name is Nate Wagner. I live in Harrisburg, PA with my wife and two girls. I am a licensed therapist at Cornerstone Counseling. I enjoy running half and full marathons. I help clients get their lives back from addiction and marital difficulties. Have any questions or if I can help in any way, please reach out to me on twitter @natewagner08
Running blog:
Section two
Selling Change-
Outro –
Closing comments
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Well, my friends, it might be time to crack open a celebratory cold one, or reconsider that, but either way, you can celebrate reaching the end of episode 4334 of the RunRunLive podcast.
Have you noticed the new editing? This will be the 2nd podcast with entirely outsourced content editing. Anyone have any quality issues let me know.
I’m moving into my final race build cycles for the Boston marathon. I’m right on track . Very comfortable with my speed and fitness after Stu’s last week. I am working on a race report for Stu’s – stay tuned for that. My next race is The Eastern States 20 Miler March 26th. It’s on a Saturday this year because of Easter. That will be my last pace run before Boston. I’m right on track.
I’d like to thank all my friends who have contributed to my Team Hoyt fund for Boston. I can still use your help if you can – I would appreciate it.
I’m still planning to run the in-and-out of the Grand Canyon on Thursday May 19th – whether you’re too chicken to join me or not!
The Groton Road Race is April 24th and with the nice weather it looks like we’re going to have a good year. We set up a virtual race option, so no matter where you live you can sign up and run and we’ll send you one of our super nice 25th anniversary shirts. Just go to
Next week I have a great interview with Neely Gracey who is an pro-elite runner. She’s just at the beginning of her career, knocked out a sub-70 ½ at Philly and is making her debut at Boston this year. It was a super interesting talk. The next time you folks feel like saying something smarmy about Millennials you should listen to Neely.
We’ve been far too serious today. To take you out I’m going to give you a joke you can tell to your dog. You can try telling it your cat, but this joke has not been cat tested. It doesn’t work with dogs that have short attention spans, like Jack Russells, or dogs that just aren’t very bright like Labs and Goldens, and it definitely won’t work with deaf dogs.
The good thing about dogs is that you could tell them this joke as many times as you want and it’s still going to be funny.
I don’t know about you, but I talk to my dog. For his part, Buddy acts interested when I talk to him. He also does emotional mirroring – meaning that he senses from my tone of voice and my emotional state the essence of what I’m talking about and he projects the appropriate matching emotion of interest, concern, or hugs.
When you’re telling the joke you have to address the dog like you’re talking directly to the dog, taking them into your confidence. When I do this Buddy will essentially ‘lean in’ to the conversation which make the punch line hilarious.
I made up this Joke to share with Buddy how annoying some of his interaction with me are.
Ok, Ready? Got your dog’s interest. Right.
A border collie, a Persian cat and a llama walk into a bar.
They walk up to the bartender.
The bar tender leans in close, and says…
It’s funny because the dog jumps about a foot in the air every time.
Tell your dog a joke – and l’ll see you out there.
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –