Episode 3-267 – To run around the world

The RunRunLive 3.0 Podcast Episode 3-267 – To run around the world

Introductory Comments:

Hello and welcome to episode 3-267 of the RunRunLive podcast. 

Today I have some good stories to tell you.  Our interview is with Kevin Carr who is off to run around the world.  Yes indeed, he is setting off on an 18,000 mile run.  Why not?

In section one we are going to talk about making progress and in section two I’m going to give you my race report from the 24-hour around the lake ultra endurance run that I ran a marathon at last Friday night. 

The short story is my legs didn’t show up for some reason and I had ‘one of those races’.  It was a struggle.  I’m not going to over analyze.  I’m just going to take it for what it is and see what I can learn from it.   We’ll have some rambling about this later – so stay tuned!

Poor old Buddy is struggling in the heat.  I took him out with the club on a slow 10k Sunday and he just doesn’t like running on the road in the heat on the leash.  He’s ok if he can be off leash or in the woods but having to trot alongside me is hard for him.  We humans are getting acclimated to it and don’t notice it as much where as he still is wearing a black fur coat.  When I go to work on these hot days I leave the AC on in the house for him – so he’s comfortable but he doesn’t really acclimate.

We’ve got a bunch of big bunnies living in the yard now.  The wet summer has helped them survive I guess.  I went out to my garden one night last week, and I had left the gate open a crack, and one of them was inside the fence.  It was a bit dicey because I didn’t want Buddy to see the rabbit inside my garden fence.  I could picture a comic chase ensuing where the rabbit had nowhere to escape and they would destroy my vegetables.

I managed to shoo the bunny back out through the gate before Buddy got wind of what I was up to.  They both took off into the woods and I didn’t see Buddy again for awhile, but he eventually came back a bit sweaty and disheveled. Crisis averted.  He doesn’t stand a chance of catching a healthy adult rabbit, but he likes a good chase.

One time there was a litter of baby rabbits in the yard and he kept sneaking off to pick them up and bring them back.  Picture the border collie slinking through the yard with a guilty look on his face carrying a baby rabbit.

Before I forget I wanted to thank Richard Bach a listener from the UK who read the Shelly poem for us last week.  I always thought that was a powerful image, the god-king, scourge of the land and nothing left but a stone head in the desert.

After making some attempt to go back to a weekly publishing schedule I realized that was me trying to do too much again.  I think it’s important to the relationship with your audience to have a predictable publishing schedule so I’m going to keep it at every-other-Friday release schedule. 

Part of this is that I’m working on other projects (as well as training and working).  I’m starting up two other blogs/websites.  Originally I had planned to have these blogs be anonymous and unrelated to RunRunLive but I came to realize that was just me giving in to fear again. 

I can’t give you all the details, because I’m still in the genesis mode, but one is going to be a life motivation and balance theme.  My goal here would be to help and enable people with some practical life advice.  The other one is going to be to flesh out my professional avatar and extend/expand that brand with some of the tools I’ve learned from this exercise. 

Congrats to all the athletes who ran The Badwater 135 Ultra-marathon a couple weeks back.  At least two of them we’ve interviewed here including, of Course Dean Karnases and my favorite body-builder turned ultra-athlete Cheryl Zarkowsky.  I noticed that many of the athletes were wearing those Hoka’s!  It’s crazy but those ugly moon boots are actually really comfy neutral cushion shoes!

More importantly, back to my garden.  I got a couple of awesome zucchini, I have a killer cucumber harvest.  I’m harvesting 3 different kinds of beans.  I’ve got fresh rosemary, delectable Basil, parsley,  and cilantro.  I got few small handfuls of berries.  I’ve got a 4 giant kale plants but they’re suffering a bit from the cabbage worms. I harvested romaine lettuce, spinach and some vigorous arugula.  The tomatoes aren’t so great.  Not enough sun and I seem to be sharing my cherry tomatoes with some small hungry rodent.

The hops showed promise but the flowers aren’t as big as I thought they were going to be.  I’ll wait until they get sticky before I harvest them for one of my lucky home brewing friends in trade for, perhaps a few pints of honest brown ale.

But, I fear, I have rambled more than enough. 

On with the show!

On with the show.

Section one:

Progress Not Perfectionhttp://www.runrunlive.com/progress-not-perfection

Featured Interview:

Kevin Carr

Hi Chris,

my skype id is kev1ncarr

links to my site -> http://www.Hardwayround.com


I want the record for the fastest run around the world, and I’m finally feeling incredibly excited about it once more, but running around the world is just part of the journey not the destination, the destination is ‘The running power’ – it’s tattooed across my chest (so its always in-front of me)  as a constant reminder of what i’m chasing, yes it’s an obsession, and I freely admit a strange one, but it’s what drives me to do what I do. I have to push as far as possible to see if I can permanently reach the level of running I’ve only ever had glimpses of, I think this comes not from the mechanics of just running but in facing up-to fears that appear along the journey, you wouldn’t find the running power on the treadmill!

Section two:

Around the Lake – http://www.runrunlive.com/around-the-lake


And so we enter the final loop of episode 3-267 of the RunRunLive podcast.

Special congratulations to Coach Jeff from PRS fit who nailed IronMan Lake Placid this week and Prancer-sized across the finish in just over 14 hours.  Not bad for a guy who’s 105 years old. 

What am I going to do now? I’ve got 5 weeks before Pocatello.  I’m going to see if I can take my runs up to 5 days a week.  I’m going chill out on the 1600’s and track work because I think I’ve plateau-ed on those.  I think I need to slow it down and work on my base. 

I’m going to put the HR strap back on and do some long stuff at zone 2 and do some step-up runs for my quality work.  I’ll load in a zone 2 run on Friday’s instead of the bike and focus on my form.  My stride still has a weird catch in it from the Plantar Fasciitis and I have to work on ironing that out. 

I’ve got enough time to get one cycle of 2-3 quality weeks in and then I’ll have at it again in Idaho.  I’m like a shark; I just keep swimming. 

I’m going to stick with the clean eating as much as possible.  All the reading I’ve done on nutrition has got me thinking that it’s a very personal thing and you have to do what works for you.  I should be under 180 pounds by the end of the month and that’s as light as I have been since 1998.

If you look at what the paleo and the vegans have in common it’s that they focus on eating real, unprocessed food.  I just try to get a lot of my food from fruits and veggies.  I don’t eat much dairy and I try to take it easy on the bread and pasta.  If you can do those simple things, combined with exercise, you’ll lose fat.  It’s all about what works for you and what you can sustain in your lifestyle.  Honestly small positive changes will add up over time. 

Over the next month I’m going to log my food on MyFitnessPal and I want you folks to friend me to give me motivation.  I’m also going to start being better at logging my workouts on DailyMile – so friend me there and send me a message so I can friend you back.  Unfortunately I have exceeded the quota on DM so I’ll have to un-friend some slacker to friend you.  Do it though, because I need the help!

I signed up for the Erie Marathon on Presque Island in Pennsylvania on September 15th.  I can drive out there and camp and I kinda/sorta go by my daughter’s college at Rochester.  I have race every Sunday in September and it’s going to be pure survival mode.  It starts with Pocatello on the 31st of August, The Lake Winnepesauke Relay on the 8th, Erie on the 15th, the Littleton 5k on the 22nd and the Harvard 10 miler on the 29th.  Those last two are the next two races in the Nashoba Valley Grand Prix series.

Now as luck would have it I have a conference in Denver the same weekend as the Rock n Roll marathon there, so that seems like a good match.  I have tentative booked a trip to the Ft Myers Marathon on November 10th and it just so happens that that is the week of my birthday so I’ll bring my bride and make it into a mini vacation.

I’m sure things will get dicey for me as we roll into the winter months and marathon pickins get lean but I haven’t changed my goals and I’m running my way off to the 2014 Boston marathon come hell or high water.

I know I’m cracked – And I’ll see you out there.

Outro Bumper

Thanks for listening folks I appreciate your support.  RunRunLive is a free service for you because I like writing and telling stories. 

I also love to meet folks so feel free to reach out to me at Gmail or any of the other social networking sites.  I’m CYKTRussell.  And as you know that’s Chris-Yellow-King-Tom-Russell with two Esses and two Ell’s.

My Website is http://www.runrunlive.com and most if not all of this content is posted out there.   If you want the show notes to magically show up in your inbox when I publish a show in a beautiful HTML wrapper you can subscribe to the mailing list at my site.  It’s a useful thing if you are moved by something I say and would like to see if what I wrote is the same thing! It also has all the links to everything and everyone I talk to and about.

Other than that, thank you for your attention, do epic stuff and let me know if I can help.


Happy Song – Super Hero – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Superhero

 Links for this show


Other products from Chris Russell you may be interested in

The Mid-Packer’s Lament

On Amazon

On Kindle

On Audio (Read by the author)

The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy

On Kindle

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Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804 (to leave an audio message for the show)


Chris Russell lives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy.  Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack.  Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at www.runnerati.com.  Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at www.runrunlive.com. Chris also writes for CoolRunning.com (Active.com) and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.

Tags -> Running  Podcast, podcasts for running, podcast for runners, free podcast for runners, Running Blog, marathon, triathlon, mileage, sprinting, run, track, training, running clubs, running groups, running shoes, exercise, health, 5k, running, swimming, sports, injuries, stretching, eating, jogging, biking, trail race, 5K, 10K, Ultramarathon, jogging a good exercise, road runner, jogging tips, benefits of jogging, free running, running shoes, marathon training, running, jogging, health and fitness, runners, runner, Boston qualification, Marathon BQ, Boston marathon

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