The RunRunLive Podcast Episode 244 – Will McCarthy “100 Miles to Destiny”
Show intro by:
Norm with The WWFoR
RunRunLive – Podcast Intro
Hello and the intestinal expediency podcast where I sit in my house suffering from some insidious little bug that has made a temporary home in my digestive track.
Speaking of dysentery, this is the RunRunLive podcast episode 244 and this is Chris your host and we have a great show for you this week. We speak with Will McCarthy about his ultra running novel ‘100 miles to Destiny’. It’s a wonderful story.
We’ll have other stuff as well for you today as we ease into the fall season up here in New England. The leaves are turning and the mornings are crisp. My wife and I made a little fire in the fire place last night, the first of the season.
Buddy is losing hair like a champ as he grows in his winter undercoat. I was brushing him today and he’s got those Natty Dread clumps in his butt hair. All the neighborhood mice are rejoicing as they spirit away his follicles to build warm winter vacation homes.
Yeah, so I have this mild flu bug. I thought it might have been food poisoning but it hasn’t been that violent and it’s going on two days now. It reminds me of a bug I had on a business trip to Australia a long time ago. Not bad enough to put you out of commission but annoyingly sending you scurrying from the room every few minutes. Sort of like a vacation to Bombay.
I remember working through it but I just kept getting weaker and weaker. They finally got me the Australian version of Pediolyte to keep my energy up.
I skipped my run yesterday and I’ll skip my ride today until this clears up. I got a couple of good efforts in over the weekend. I ran 5.5 miles with Buddy in the woods at a leisurely pace and then did a slow double in Sunday with a 40 minute 30/30 on the rail trail and a 1:40 ride.
I thought Buddy might be stiff from the two runs but he’s ready to go. In dog years he’s over 60 so I keep an eye on his recovery.
Thanks to all of you who stepped up and registered on my website they are still trickling in a 2-3 a day. I sent a letter/survey out earlier in the week to see if I could learn what folks are thinking about and how I could help them in my next project.
The more adroit among you will recognize this as the old ‘asking your customers’ what their pain is ploy so you can design a product that the market actually wants. This is usually more effective than the alternative, that is creating a product with no input from the marketplace and then trying to convince people why they need it!
Well, I’ve got to go let the dog in and visit the rest room again so on with the Show!
Audio clips in this episode:
Sample -> Fdip295: Dr. George Sheehan – Facing the Future
Ann’s Running Commentary
I don’t know if you want to do it but I wrote this about the training weekend. It wasn’t something I could read for the show but I thought people who have been following this IM thing might enjoy it.
Ann Brennan
Creator of Ann’s Running Commentary
Senior Advisor for Beyond Limits Magazine
Dr. Sarb’s Wellness blog
Dr Sarb Johal Psychologist, Writer, Runner, Coach |
My latest post:What’s the point of vigorous exercise? |
My Books
RunRunLive » Audio Products » MidPackersLament » The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio Book
It took me a few months…but I kept at it and now can present to you The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio book. This is ~50 running stories read into audio by the author (me) and ends up being 6-8 hours of audio.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
Hope you enjoy consuming it as much as I enjoyed recording it!
Ciao, thanks, and I’ll see you out there.
Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:
Story time:
Equipment Check:
The Extra Corporeal Shockwave Treatment…
Featured Interview:
Willis McCarthy – “100 Miles to Destiny”
The novel, 100 Miles to Destiny, is a unique work of literature, describing many topics and thoughts associated with the 23rd Olympics hosted by the City of Angels. Many of the characters depicted in the story are based on individuals the author met during his global travels during the 1980’s. The reader experiences the Western States Trail through the eyes of an international field of competitors. The author invites the reader to embark on a journey that encompasses many nationalities; history, culture, language and ideology. Politics, religion, relationships and of course running are the topics fully presented in this unprecedented work of fiction.
W. B. McCarthy, Author
Quick Tip:
“No Rules of the Road” –
Ok my sick bed partners you have suffered through discomforture of yet another RunRunLive Podcast, episode 244 in the can.
Next week… who knows! I certainly don’t! I have a few folks that I can talk to this week for you and we’ll see if I can squeeze them in.
I have to get over this little tummy episode first. I’m sitting here eating a little toast and jam and green tea to see if that will settle well. I don’t know what this virus is, but my wife said I was wandering around the house with blank and hollow eyes looking for human brains last night, but I’m sure it’s not a problem…
It’s that time of year again when we are overwhelmed with activities. Our fall races, our kids in school our company’s year ends. It’s stressful. Don’t forget to relax and let it all slide over you without settling in. Remember to have an attitude of abundance. Don’t let external pressures ruin your ride.
One interesting thing to remember is that studies have shown that you actually do better work when you have less time. That’s right those people we know who pump out all the content and do so many things are just focusing better. They have figured out how to just do the effective value-added bits of activities and have cut out all that fat. I know if I only have 20 minutes to prepare for something I’ll put in a highly effective, highly focused 20 minutes. If have 2 days, I’ll take the whole 2 days but I’ll probably only focus well for the 20 minutes anyhow.
There’s nothing like a little scarcity to get you moving and get you focused. Whether that is scarcity of time or scarcity in general. I know it’s a paradox, scarcity causes us to execute and focus but we can’t really be successful unless we have that attitude of abundance. It is in the intricate interplay of this that you will find that success.
You’ll see this manifest in everyday interactions. Let’s say I go to a co-worker and say “The client has rescheduled. We have to be ready by tomorrow morning!” All things being equal people will react with either an “Oh Crap! I can’t be ready by tomorrow” or a “Ok, here’s what I’m going to being to deliver by tomorrow…” You know which type I like to work with.
I had an interaction today where someone in my life said “I can’t wait until this week is over.” Really? Really? You want your life to go by faster? You want to willingly toss away this non-renewable resource of time? That just doesn’t make sense to me.
Remember what we talked about last week? About loving what you do? Or finding a way to love it? Or finding something else to do? Doesn’t this comment seem to run counter to that? Doesn’t it just cry out “Hey Stupid! You need to look at your priorities!”
I think they want the non-important, non-aligned tasks to be finished and to go by faster. That’s true enough. We all have things we have to do that we would rather not. For instance, I don’t think there is anyone who likes firing people. But sometimes it is the best solution. And you try to do it with as much skill as possible.
If you are waiting for your day to end or your week to be over I think you need to think about your priorities. You say you have a meeting you don’t want to go to? Then don’t go. It’s your life.
But, I suspect there is a reason why that meeting is on your calendar. I suspect that it has to do with your work or your kid’s school or some professional organization. I suspect you agreed to that meeting because at some level you care about the organization or its impact on your world.
I suspect that you can draw on this intrinsic caring to align this activity, as exhausting as it seems, with your life goals. And when you do that you will be able to go, and participate and add value because it is part of your life.
Make you moments count. And I’ll see you out there.
For your listening pleasure tonight is a nice Reggae tune called –Ziggy Marley called Into the Groove that I found on Podsafe. I watched a long documentary on Bob Marley this week on Netflix. He was an interesting dude. Great back story. Have a interesting week filled with sweet moments.
Great news my running friends – my book of running stories “The Mid-Packer’s Lament” is now available in Kindle format at the Kindle store on! Just search on “Mid-Pack”. It’s a bargain at an easy $5 and all proceeds go towards supporting the underfunded pension plan of the retired cleaning staff at the RunRunLive world headquarters. I recently got a kindle myself and I love it. It does reading very well.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
From Podsafe:
All music used in the show is from the Podsafe music network found at Music Alley. Please support the starving, socially minded artists sampled herein by purchasing some!
Songs sampled from Podsafe:
Sweetest desire ft daddy boastin | neo cartoon lover |
Outro music:
Outro Artists Bio:
Standard Links:
Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube
Chris’ book on Amazon – >
Mid-Packer’s Lament E-book
Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy E-Book
Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804
Chris Russelllives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy. Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack. Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at Chris also writes for ( and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.
Email me at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com
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