The RunRunLive Podcast Episode 230 – Jeff Miller and the 365 Project
Show intro by:
Jim Laskey!
RunRunLive – Podcast Intro
Hello and welcome to the Father’s Day podcast where I spend time with my girls. They asked me a couple weeks what I wanted for Father’s Day. I told them I wanted to spend a day with them. It’s no use trying to buy me a present. I don’t have any real wants and anything I want I buy. All I want was to spend time with them.
We went strawberry picking. I bought them lunch and we went to see a movie. It was great.
Not every man you meet is filled with angst and regret. I’m quite happy.
And this is the RunRunLiuve podcast and I’m Chris your host. Today we air our interview with Jeff Miller about his 365 book and I talk about my own 365 project that I kicked off.
Jeff has a very simple idea. That idea is that if you have things that are important to you, things that you want to get done you need to work on them every day. This idea is simple but brilliant in its simplicity.
What it forces you to do is to figure out what is important to you and take daily action towards that. It also forces you to ‘pay’ yourself first. To take action towards your goals before you work on anything else. It forces you to prioritize yourself over the infinite draws on your time and energy.
The reason this works is that your brain is designed for learning. Anything you do activates new pathways or synapses in your physical brain wiring. Everything you do is some sort of learned behavior. When you do something every day it changes your brain.
Whether that is a bad habit, like alcohol abuse, or a good habit like running it creates a positive feedback loop that pretty much guarantees that you will persist.
The brilliance of Jeff’s idea is that it is so simple yet taps into our basic human wiring.
I’m down in Atlanta this week and pretty much tied up full time. It’s going to be a struggle to get my daily habits done. But I will. I’ll do something. Since I anticipate being slammed We are going to see if Jim can put the show together from the pieces.
Buddy and I had a rough long run on Sunday. I don’t know what went wrong but it was awful from start to finish. My PF was screaming. My Achilles were screaming. I had no leg energy. Maybe I should have walked away after the first loop, but for some reason I slugged out 14.5 miles. I was having so much trouble lifting my feet that I tripped 3 times catching my toe.
I felt ok the next day but I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to give up on my running, but I don’t want to permanently injure myself either. It’s a pickle.
I’m still fit. I’m getting my bikes and swims and core fitness in. I guess compared to the average Joe I’m still way ahead, but it’s discouraging not to be able to run with the joyous abandon that I have my whole life.
But, as the wise men say, “This too shall pass…”
On with the show…
Audio clips in this episode:
From the HBR podcast – 304_ Habits_ Why We Do What We Do
RunRunLive » Audio Products » MidPackersLament » The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio Book
It took me a few months…but I kept at it and now can present to you The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio book. This is ~50 running stories read into audio by the author (me) and ends up being 6-8 hours of audio.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
Hope you enjoy consuming it as much as I enjoyed recording it!
Ciao, thanks, and I’ll see you out there.
Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:
Story time:
Equipment Check:
The ABC’s of 365 –
Featured Interview:
Jeff Miller and the 365 Challenge.
Quick Tip:
Quick tip – Ann’s post –
That’s it you have Done some small thing every day for a calendar year and found yourself staring into the abyss of the end of yet another RunRunLive Podcast episode 230 in the can
Next week I dialed up a chat with CoachPRS to talk about some of the cool stuff he’s working on. Always good to skype with Jeff. I’m working on getting Dane Rauschenberg back on because he sent me his new book and Mark Allison who ran across the US and now is setting off to run across Australia. Interesting chats.
As I was suffering around my trails in the woods this week I thought about how I had carved new paths over the years without knowing it… – Creating new paths
I don’t know what the music is tonight because Jim is choosing it, but I’m sure it’s appropriately inspirational for you to leg it out on.
See you next week and remember to do one thing each day. And I’ll see you out there.
Great news my running friends – my book of running stories “The Mid-Packer’s Lament” is now available in Kindle format at the Kindle store on! Just search on “Mid-Pack”. It’s a bargain at an easy $5 and all proceeds go towards supporting the underfunded pension plan of the retired cleaning staff at the RunRunLive world headquarters. I recently got a kindle myself and I love it. It does reading very well.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
From Podsafe:
All music used in the show is from the Podsafe music network found at Music Alley. Please support the starving, socially minded artists sampled herein by purchasing some!
Songs sampled from Podsafe:
The music tonight is from a Brighton, UK rock band ANEMO called MusicBox from their album STENTORIAN. It is pretty peppy and lasts for 3 minutes and 39 seconds. So kick up the pace to meet the beat.
The first song is “Running” by Al Phlipp and the Woo Team – only partial
Second song (after the interview) is Lemonade by Alan Renkl – also only partial
Outro music:
Outro Artists Bio:
Standard Links:
Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube
Chris’ book on Amazon – >
Mid-Packer’s Lament E-book
Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy E-Book
Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804
Chris Russelllives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy. Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack. Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at Chris also writes for ( and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.
Email me at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com
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