The RunRunLive Podcast Episode 155 – Ashley MSRuntheUS Three-dux
[audio:|titles=Episode 155 – MSruntheUS Ashley Threedux]
Show intro by:
@Madiantin (Keeley Brooks)
Hello and welcome to RunRunLive podcast. This is Chris your host. Now, I understand that you just got that shiny new iPod or iPhone or i-something-or-other for the Holidays, it’s been a couple weeks, you’ve figured out how to navigate the iTunes store, subscribed to 500 podcasts and now you’re overwhelmed trying to figure out which ones to keep, feeling a bit guilty for over indulging, looking for the cream of the crop.
Well, here we are. This is the world famous RunRunLive podcast. All our listeners are smart. Good-looking and above average at just about everything.
For example; let me quote real-live listener Rose who recently said, “Before the RunRunLive podcast I was a semi-intelligent colony of bread mold, now I’m a rich and famous movie star thanks to Chris and his happy-go-lucky club of endurance junkies.”
And then there is alert listener Clause who recently shared “I used to weigh almost 300 pounds, but I have gotten in such good shape thanks to the tips I learned on the RunRunLive Podcast that I have actually left the physical spectrum and now exist only as a high frequency vibration in the universal mastermind.” Yeah, that’s the kind of impact we have.
And let’s not forget the positive financial impact listening to RunRunLive has. Mitzy says “Before I found RunRunLive, I was living in jail and bankrupt and without hope or options, now I have a multi-million dollar personal-health enterprise selling untraceable performance enhancing drugs to professional athletes!”
So there you have it. Free beer and million dollar prizes are distributed to all listeners on a semi-monthly basis – if you haven’t gotten your check yet just shoot an email to steverunner at pheddipidations dot com.
Seriously – we have a great show for you today. We have a super interview with our good friend Ashley from MSruntheUS who takes us through her successful run across the US this summer (and her wedding plans!). We have some more ‘other voices’ reading quick tips and secrets in this case DirtDawg and Jake the MaineTriGuy. Not to mention the usual dancing dogs, auspicious augers and much much more.
I have been stuck in Chicago all week as Snowmaggedon rages in Boston. This has not kept me from getting my training in, but has made it miserable! I was forced onto the treadmill in the Marriot for a 14 mile progression run yesterday. I have not run on the treadmill at all this year and having to do one of the hardest workouts on the schedule, without any transition was awful. My legs did not like it. I had to keep dismounting to work the kinks out. I finished the workout but not at a level I was happy with and my legs were killing me all day.
Next day I did something fun – I ran, easy for over 30 minutes in the hallways of the Marriott. I know it sounds like one of the contrived and stupid things that I like to do, but it was really interesting because of the rambling layout of the hotel. It is a hotel laid out like a giant, 3-story figure eight with each side of the eight being maybe 2-300 feet long with a 12 story tower on the top of the eight. So the outside loop of the eight was maybe a ½ mile long.
I was up early and my running stuff was dry after the previous day’s 14 mile sweat-fest. (There’s another tip for you, rinse off your sweaty tech clothes in the sink and hang them up in the room somewhere. The rooms are so dry this time of year a tech shirt will dry overnight easily, and it will have the double effect of making the room less dry). I jogged the cushy carpeted hallways in my Brooks Launches down to the tower level, ran up the stairs to the 12th floor, switched back and forth down the tower levels from stairwell to stairwell and then did the 3 long floors. It was cool. I was just ‘jogging’ so I wasn’t being annoying runner guy.
Enough about me, let’s talk about you, neighbor….
On with the show!
Audio clips in this episode:
Mr. Rodger Neighborhood intro.
Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:
Runner’s High by Collin –
Story time:
Equipment Check:
Ten secrets to successful running
Hi, this is DirtDawg. I’m a father, husband and ultrarunner who produces the Dirt Dawg’s Running Diatribes podcast. This week I’ll be reading for Chris secret number four of the Ten Secrets to a successful and sustained running program – “goals”
Week one you agreed to be accountable because we can’t do it for you. Week two you agreed to dig deep and find a compelling reason to do it. Week three you began to take some action. This week we are going to talk about goals. We are going to talk about defining just what it is you are going to do.
OK don’t groan and turn off the iPod just yet. I know. You are overwhelmed by talking heads telling you to set goals this time of year. And I agree, the whole theme of goal-setting is over used and overwrought. But you have to ask yourself the question, why is goal setting discussed so much? And the answer, as painful as it may be is “because it works”.
Yes Set goals. Set worthwhile goals. Write them down. I’m not going to tell you to make it into a life-altering religious compulsive goal setting work shop, but I am going to tell you how you can use goal setting to focus your running.
Why does setting goals work? Setting goals works because it forces you to actually clearly define what it is that you want. I find that many times people confuse wants or objectives with goals. Goals are very specific animals. Goals are not wishy-washy.
I think this is why people hate goals and try to avoid thinking about them – because it forces you to admit that you really don’t know what you are aiming for. Someone said that if you don’t know where you’re going anywhere will do. So Goals keep us from wandering aimlessly.
Living in the business world I cringe every time someone says “Goals need to be SMART” SMART is an acronym for some bureaucratic jingoism the kind that corporate trainers love. Really all a good goal needs is to be something you are willing to commit to, it should be quantifiable and it should be time based.
What’s a perfect example of a goal? I’ll give you one of mine. Here it is: I will run the Hyannis half marathon on February 27th 2011 faster than 1 hour and 30 minutes. There ya go. That’s why it easy to set goals in running – because everything is already time based and quantified. Distances, times and dates – it’s all there. The only part lacking is you personally committing to it.
Why do people bail out on their goals? You know what I’m talking about…people get half way to a race date and give up because they haven’t trained etc… Why? Because they really didn’t want to do it to begin with. They did not have that big reason, they didn’t find a way to align that goal with their internal purpose like we talked about in week two. They didn’t internalize it. It really wasn’t their goal.
People feel pressured to take on goals that are not their own. Your goals don’t have to be outrageous. You don’t have to run a 100 mile race like Dirt Dawg. Your goal can be to run at least one mile every day for 30 days. Or to stretch every day until you can touch your head to your knee.
If you are the type of person that needs a BHAG to get geared up, then by all means go for it, but your goals have to be something that is important to you, something that you can internalize and be personally committed and accountable for.
How do you come up with goals? Just brainstorm up whatever you can think of and pick the ones that you think are the best. The best goals are the ones with the power to focus your thoughts and energy with purpose.
Get a goal buddy and help each other stay on track. With all the social media out there you can make your goal public and then you’ll have hundreds of goal buddies to push you along. It’s always harder to skip a workout when someone is waiting for you!
What’s the best thing about having goals? Dirt Dawg knows this one. Having a strong goal forces you to come up with a plan. The plan is the ‘how’ that defines the path you will need to follow to get to your goal.
And once you step onto that path, and begin that journey, you will be changed. The goals become almost secondary and the transformational power of the journey takes over, but the goal is the seed around which the whole journey grows.
Homework this week is to read one of your goals with enthusiasm into audio for me and I’ll put them on the show to inspire us all.
Next week we talk about the plan!
Featured Interview:
Ashley Kumilen
Hometown: Brookfield, Wisconsin; USA
School: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Degree: BS in Exercise & Sport Science-emphasis in Fitness, Certified Adventure Boot Camp InstructorOccupation: Fitness Adventure Boot Camp Instructor & Personal Trainer
Age: 26
16th Female to Run Across America 2010
Rookie of the Year- Waukesha North H.S. Varsity Cross Country 1999
Most Deticated Runner- Waukesha North H.S. Varsity Cross Country 2001
Team Captain- Waukesha North H.S. Varsity Cross Country 2002
4 year Varsity Letter winner- Waukesha North H.S. Cross Country 99-02
LaCrosse, WI 2006 Turkey Trot 5K- Finishing time of 22:00 mins (7:08 mins per mile pace); 1st Place 20-24 yr age group; 3rd Place 20-24yr female overall
Denver, CO 2007 Running of the Green 7K- Finishing time of 31:08 (7:10 mins per mile pace)
Denver, CO 2007 Rocky Mtn Half Marathon- Finishing time of 1 hr 51 mins (8:39 mins per mile pace); 53th overall female
Greenbay, WI 2008 Dick Lyite Half Marathon- Finishing time of 1 hr 45 mins (8:03 mins per mile pace); 3rd Place 20-25 yr age group; 75th overall male & female
Greenbay, WI 2009 Dick Lyite Half Marathon- Finishing time of 1 hr 42 mins (7:59 mins per mile pace); 4th Place 20-25 yr age group; 75th overall male & female
LeGrande, WI 2009 Ice Age Trail 50 Mile ultra marathon- Finishing time of 10 hrs 15 mins (12:18 mins per mile pace); 3rd Place 18-29 yr female age group; 97th of 233 overall male & female
Greenbush, WI 2009 Glacial Trail 50 Mile ultra marathon- Finishing time of 10 hrs 51 mins; 20th place overall; 4th place female finish
Dousman, WI 2009 Northface Endurance Challenge ultra marathon- Finishing time of 9 hrs 39 mins; 3rd place age-group finish; 64th of 168 overall
Quick Tip:
Hi – this is Jake from the Run Like Health podcast where I (your info here) and I’ll be talking to you today about how to transition from one discipline to another.
How do you transition from a ½ iron triathlon program to a marathon training program?
This is a great question that comes from Kelownagurl. We are going to generalize it to be how do you transition from one campaign to another?
This is a great question because eventually you will get to a point in your running or biking or swimming or whatever where you are tired of doing the same thing and you will want to branch out into other activities.
If you don’t, you should, because unless you’re winning medals, training hard at a specific sport over and over again starts to wear on you. The trap we get into is that in order to keep getting performance gains we have to become more and more specific in our training, and frankly, at some point it takes all the fun out of it.
I have transitioned from marathon training to triathlon training, to mountain running training to ultra running training to mountain biking training. I have found each of these sporting pursuits complimentary, meaning they are different views of the same endurance engine.
I really like the fact that they force me to pay attention and go through a learning phase. I start as a novice in these sports and get to learn rapidly and improve rapidly and that is fun and rewarding both physically and spiritually.
The important thing to remember is that regardless of the specific endurance sport you bring some distinct advantages with you from your previous experience and campaigns. You already have the basic knowledge of how to train and the training cycle in terms of effort and recovery. You also have an existing endurance engine. With this base all you really need to do is layer on the technique of the new disciplines.
One important thing to do is to set your next goal before you have finished your current campaign. This means in KelownaGurls example she has an existing half-iron goal and she has already set her next goal of a marathon beyond that. This allows you to create a transition plan that is more or less seamless.
If she is training for a half-iron then she is already training 5 or more days a week, probably with a long brick on the weekend and some harder sessions during the week. This is the same training rhythm needed for marathon training. The trick is maintaining the rhythm and shifting the load towards running.
In a cohesive schedule you want to give yourself a recovery week after the half-iron then start your marathon training cycle.
Let’s assume you’re doing 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 bikes a week. I would replace one of the bikes with a run so you end up doing 2 swims 3 runs and 1 bike. As you transition over to more running you are probably going to want to stop the biking just because it is going to be hard to schedule it all in and still get the specific training you need for the marathon.
The transition would be to 4 runs and 2 swims because the swimming is very complimentary and helps build your core for running. This will allow you to get the miles in that you need and not kill yourself with muscle confusion. You can use easy biking on you recovery days but it’s going to be hard to get the miles in that a marathon requires.
In summary it’s a great idea to transition your campaigns between disciplines. You have the advantage of a strong endurance engine and existing training discipline. Like anything else you have to ease into the transition so as not to get burnt out or injured.
It’s going to be hard to maintain fitness in three sports while still doing enough intensity and volume for the marathon and you don’t want to set yourself up to fail. I’d scale back the biking miles, scale up the running miles and use the swimming as your rest/core discipline.
Should be fun! Good luck.
Here that sound? Yeah that’s the sound of 40 minutes of your life you’ll never get back! Hah! Got you again! You have shoveled the a path directly through the light, fluffy, pretty snow to that happy empty parking space at the end of another RunRunLive Podcast – Episode 155 in the can. Thanks for coming neighbor.
Next week I have Martin from Marathon quest 250 followed by Mary & Eric and Operation Jack and Danny Abshire from Newton running. I may have to break down and get a pair of Newtons just to see if they would work for me. Coach swears by them. I’m not racing again until the Derry 16 miler, which is a monster of a hilly course up in New Hampshire. It’s hard to get motivated this time of year – but I try to keep moving forward.
I’m adding a section to my website RunRunLive for products / books of people I’ve interviewed so if you’re inspired to read their books or buy their stuff I can get an affiliate commission. My Phillipina helper Gislena has been hacking some HTML together for me. Trust me; it’s not life-changing from a revenue channel point of view.
I’m also going to work to get the newsletter going again – I just have to get it automated. I also deleted a bunch of registered users off of my website because I think they were all robots – if I deleted you by accident, sorry, re-register.
I read something interesting this week. It was kinda-sorta on the new-year resolution theme, but the point was that before you can move forward, you need to put some things down. The thing I found interesting was that we are all action oriented people, we want to set goals, we want to improve, we want to be continuously moving forward – so we don’t think about the importance of putting things down.
Think about it like a race. And as you are running this race you continuously pick things up or have things handed to you that you have to carry, until at some point you are so weighed down, you can no longer move forward.
In this context the baggage being referred to was negative things in our past, fears, assumptions…all those icky things we carry around with us, and many times we don’t even know we are doing it. We get comfortable with the weight – it becomes part of our self-definition.
The conclusion is that it maybe, just maybe, we should take some energy and focus it on those things that we area carrying around as opposed to just trying to bull forward with all the weight and all the excess baggage?
Even this week as I was traveling in the snow storm I saw people who were just dysfunctional with rage over a flight they had already missed and wasn’t going anywhere anyhow. When the time came to act they were too exhausted to make the right decisions and may still be out there in the airport for all I know while I’m home.
Maybe now is a good time to take some time to put those bad things behind us, put them down, and lighten the load to let us sprint forward on our journeys.
And on my journey I’ll see you out there,
Music to take you out, from Music Alley, is a little different. But, don’t they always tell us to embrace diiference? This is a Celtic song called -a_dozen_bloody_roses by the dust_rhinos. This song is about 3 minutes long if you want to run it out – ciao
From Podsafe
Standard Links:
Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube
Chris’ book on Amazon – >
Mid-Packer’s Lament E-book
Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy E-Book
Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804
Chris Russell lives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy. Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack. Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at Chris also writes for ( and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.
Email me at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com
Running Podcast, podcasts for running, podcast for runners, free podcast for runners, Running Blog, marathon, triathlon, mileage, sprinting, run, track, training, running clubs, running groups, running shoes, exercise, health, 5k, running, swimming, sports, injuries, stretching, eating, jogging, biking, trail race, 5K, 10K, Ultramarathon, jogging a good exercise, road runner, jogging tips, benefits of jogging, free running, running shoes, marathon training, running, jogging, health and fitness, runners, runner, Boston qualification, Marathon BQ, Boston marathon