
This category is for inspirational or thought provoking posts. Search here for the meaning of life.

10 ways to work the winter stress out of your training

10 ways to work the winter stress out of your training I’m looking out the window this morning at more snow.  This is the third day this week we’ve gotten a storm.  I realize that the un-planned, un-controlled and sometimes un-welcome arrival of a new batch of snow contributes to the existing closed in feeling …

10 ways to work the winter stress out of your training Read More »


Hustle What’s the point? I chafe against the current culture of hustle.  There seems to be this belief that ‘getting ahead’ whatever that means is the be-all and end-all of human existence.  I know it’s always been this way, but I’m tired.  I’m tired of shamelessly, aggressively, self-satisfied, and mostly belligerent ‘successful’ men (and yes …

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