69 days to Boston

69 days to Boston

Stretching those quads, drinking a green smoothie…

174.4 pounds, 8 hours sleep, 9.5% body fat

Had a 60 minute step up run today.

Was looking forward to it because we have heat wave here in New England.  It’s Feb 5th and it was close to 60 degrees and sunny.  Compared to the workouts I was doing last week this one should have been a piece of cake.

I was still stiff and sore from last week though and the run wasn’t super pleasant.  My legs hadn’t recovered.  I bashed it out anyhow.  My heartrate never came down, so I just ran by ‘feel’ based on my breathing and effort level.

Whenever you have a workout where your legs or body isn’t cooperating you have to relax and focus on form.  Basically, you manage the workout to get as much out of it as you can.

I did manage to get all the step ups in and hold the efforts for the scheduled times.  My legs were tight, but they never failed.

I still have that lingering tweak in my lower back that is throwing off my stride a bit.

Did my push-ups and sit-ups and a full stretching routine.

Had a nice green smoothie ready to go as soon as I finished.

My knees are oddly sore and my quads were feeling it when I climbed the 54 stairs back to my office.

Another brick in the wall.

It was nice to be out in shorts and get some sun on my skin.


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