30-Day Diet Reboot (30ddr) – Day one
January 1, 2018. 187.6 pounds, 13.7% body fat.
It begins.
Welcome to the new year!
I did an excellent job of anti-dieting over the last two weeks with the holidays. I managed to pack on another 6-7 pounds. Isn’t that a strange human reaction? If you know you’re going to start a diet you stuff yourself to get ready?
Last night was New Year’s Eve. I went to bed early.
I was wrecked from trying to run a marathon with my friends in the morning. It was very, very cold. 1-5 degrees. I got to 21 miles and decided to stop. My legs were sore, and I was struggling. I saw no need to hurt myself. I’ve got nothing to prove.
My legs are sore today. I’ve got a bit of specific soreness in my right knee. I recognize it. It’s an overuse tendonitis that comes from too much work, but more specifically too little stretching. It’s calf and hamstring related. My lower back is sore too.
I woke up at 5:30 and had to go to the bathroom – a symptom of overeating is your bowels wake you up. I went back to bed until 7:20.
Got up and started with some meditation. My mind was racing. Thinking about all the things I have to do.
Usually I put on the coffee and oatmeal when I get up. But, I decided to try to delay that first cup of coffee because Rachel asked me to get down to one cup of coffee a day. Today I just started with a glass of water.
My routine is to drink two cups of coffee in the morning. I usually have one here at the house and then one at work. I will have to skip one of them or replace it with tea.
My morning routine will have to get tighter. I am going to try getting up 30 minutes earlier so that I can get my morning practice done.
Today will be an interesting start to the 30-day diet reboot. It is still the holiday and my family will want to eat delicacies. Eating is part of what we do as a family.
I’m also going to go jog a 5k with my daughter and jump in the Atlantic Ocean.
I need to do some meal prep today. I’ll make a week’s worth of salads. I’ll make some smoothies. I’ll do a meal plan for dinners.
And so it begins.