Turning 50

Turning 50

50Next week I have a significant age milestone.  Next week I turn 50.

How do I feel at 50?  Mentally I’ve never been in a better place.  Much of my early years were unsettled but now, with the perspective of a half a century, having successfully traversed placid and stormy seas alike, I have perspective.  That perspective makes me strong.

I also feel pretty good physically.  I spent too much time in my youth worrying about how non-athletic I was.  As I matured, as I gained that perspective, I got over that.  I stopped worrying about how I measured up to Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith. I just learned to enjoy this great machine that I was bequeathed by the universe.

I still run up the stairs two at a time.  I can still climb trees.  I can still pick up my dog and give him a big bear hug.  I can knock off 20 pushup or 20 crunches or whatever and it doesn’t matter whether I look good doing it.

I can run for an hour and enjoy it.  I can chase down some effete roadie in his spandex active wear on my trusty, rusty steel friend Fuji-San and laugh at myself when I fail.  I can tumble awkwardly into the rocks and break my helmet and stand up bleeding – and you know what? It makes me smile.

The really great thing is that I can use this perspective to help other people.  I can give back.  Not in a pushy or needy way.  In a value added way.  I don’t have that baggage.  I don’t have to politic or gossip.  I can be guileless and this allows me to expend my creative energy with great skill, effectiveness and precision.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some monk or sham spiritualist.  My hard edge is still there however sheathed and pity the fool that runs afoul of my intention.  Growth and maturity isn’t giving up or abdicating your will and ability.  It is gaining the inner peace and perspective to not sweat the small stuff.

And it’s all small stuff.

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