The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-358 – Pam the TrailMomma
(Audio: link)
Link epi4359.mp3
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Well hello my friends and welcome to Episode 4-359 of the RunRunLive Podcast.
Today, for me is February 17 2017. For you? Who knows? Through the miracle of time travel and temporal displacement you could be interfacing with my digital echoes thousands of years from now.
I’m going to keep my intro brief because I’ve got a couple longer pieces in this episode and I’m horribly behind schedule!
When we last talked my training was great and I was ramping up my volume and intensity. Of course that was a great way to cures myself. The next day I ran an easy run with my buddies and that night I had a noticeably sore knee. I couldn’t tell if it was from the running or from carrying some heavy crates up to the attic so I took a few days easy.
By mid week it was gone and turns out I probably tweaked something in a non-running activity. Just goes to show you how terribly fragile a marathoner becomes in the run up to a road marathon. As a result I missed a weekend long run.
Then this past weekend I got 17 and a half in with my buddies and my foot ended up being quite sore afterwards. Feels like I aggravated my plantar fasciitis again. It’s a combination of the high volume, the cold weather and my shoes are getting old. But, I had to take most of this week off as well.
I dragged my bike trainer in from the porch and set it up in the living room in front of the TV and have been spinning away. I’m going to try an easy 18 tomorrow morning with my buddies.
One great development is that coming full circle I’m doing long runs with my old friend Frank who you might remember from episode 1! He went through that same hip resurfacing thing and is back on the roads with me training for Boston!
Never say never!
Never say die!
We’ll be doing this when we’re 80!
Today I chat about trail running and plant eating with the delightful Pam the “Trail Moma” – I think you’ll like her. Thanks to my friends out there for responding to my cry for help to get some new interviewees! It worked.
In section one I’ve got a long piece on how to survive the winter blues in your training and your life.
In section two I’m going to test out piece on sales that I’d appreciate any feedback on.
Send me fistfulls of dirty cash in duffel bags, or just contribute, to my Team Hoyt fund. Yeah you. I’m talking to you! Do the right thing. I know where you live. I’m sending Buddy to break your legs for a contribution.
I’ve had to move 3 large helpings of winter storm snow this week and my back hurts! But we also got the winter moon which was wonderful!
The days are getting longer. Spring is coming.
I’ll remind you that the RunRunLive podcast is ad free and listener supported. We have a membership option where you can become a member and as a special thank you, you will get access to member’s only audio.
I’ll also remind you that I have started raising money for team Hoyt for my 2017 Boston Marathon. I would appreciate any help you can give. The fundraiser is on Crowdrise (so I don’t have to touch any of the money) it goes straight to the Hoyts and supports acquiring equipment and supporting others who want to participate like the Hoyts do.
The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported. We do this by offering a membership option where members get Access to Exclusive Members Only audio and articles.
Yes, we are still working on setting up the separate podcast feed for the member’s content. Most recently I recorded and uploaded the first chapter of the zombie novel I’ve been writing for 30 years.
- Member only race reports, essays and other bits just for you!
- Exclusive Access to Individual Audio Segments from all Shows
- Intro’s, Outro’s, Section One running tips, Section Two life hacks and Featured Interviews – all available as stand-alone MP3’s you can download and listen to at any time.
Links are in the show notes and at
Section one –
Winter Blues –
Voices of reason – the conversation
Pam – The TrailMomma
Instagram: @Trailmomma
As for a bio, feel free to use this or grab from my site – either is fine.
A New Jersey transplant that landed herself in California, Pam is a weekend warrior with a passion. She works full-time, is the mother of two and has a burning desire to see everyone achieve their best life by thriving on a plant-based diet. If she’s not running the canyons of Northern California she is attending plant-based conferences or has her nose in a book reading the latest on the healing properties of plants. She finds pleasure in helping those that reach out to her for help in transitioning out of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and into one that will transform them inside and out.
TRAILMOMMA – Mommyhood = the best adventures |
Two more links. My YouTube channel and I realized I mentioned the Engine 2 group in our talk.
Happy Trails!
Section two
Sales and selling –
Yes, my friends, this particular trail is a dead end that you have followed, an impassable swamp of ideas that you cannot ford, but you have reached, at the end of the RunRunLive Podcast.
I’m still training away and a couple weeks isn’t going to affect me either way. The lesson, for you, though, is, as I said in the first piece, pay attention and get in front of injuries early in your cycle. Before they take you out. I know in my experience there is never an immediate chronic injury, it’s always something that would have healed in a couple weeks or days if I had just been smart about it.
We’re about a month and a half out from Boston. That gives me plenty of time to tune my racing. I’m already riding a good fitness base so I’m not worried about it. I can lose those last ten pounds in 2 weeks if I have to!
I’ve got a lot going on. I’m short on time today and that’s ok. That’s why we set deadlines. Deadlines and urgency are enabling. As a matter of fact urgency is one of the preconditions for entering a flow state. Translation: you do some of your best work when you don’t have any other choice and you don’t have time to think about it!
I’m reading a great book, that I’ll write more about in the future, called ‘Grit’, by Angela Duckworth. It talks a lot about how being successful is more related to sustained effort than intelligence and skill. I love this concept. I can see it in my running and career.
It also says that when you find something that you are passionate about, that becomes your obsession and purpose, it isn’t like being struck by lightning. Most people don’t end up doing what they thought they would. The path to success and passion and self-realization is a crooked one.
If you were to stumble across my personal journals you’d find them full of laments that I don’t know what I want to do with my life!
The first phase is one of ‘interest’ of ‘discovery’ before people lock into that thing they love.
So, don’t be afraid to try new things and shop around in your interest. It’s an incremental process and a crooked road that never ends. Please, enjoy the journey!
And I’ll see you out there.
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Thanks so much Chris! It was a pleasure talking with you!
Sent you the interview file.