The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-327 – Kyle & Brent Pease – Where there’s a wheel there’s a way!
(Audio: link)
Link epi4327.mp3
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, my friends. Wherever and whenever this ghost of my voice finds you I hope you are well. Welcome to the RunRunLive podcast Episode 4-327. Today we have a great talk with Kyle and Brent Pease who are a team of brothers that run races. I think you’ll dig their story and get a kick out of their running adventures.
In the first section I’m going to talk a bit about flexibility and range of motion. In the second section I’m going to talk about Dr. Carol Dweck’s book, “Mindsets”.
It’s been a good couple weeks since we last chatted. I am recovered from my rolled ankle and running well. I’ve got a bit of a head cold today so I apologize for the sexy voice.
I’m heading down to Atlanta this weekend, actually tomorrow, to run the Jeff Galloway half. It will be a good test race for me. I’m planning to go out at marathon pace, try to pace it well and close strong. Weather looks reasonable. It’s a hilly course, but that’s ok, I need the work and the practice.
I raced the Mill Cities Relay last weekend. It’s a 5-leg, invitation only, local club relay race. I was the captain of a senior team. The legs are all different lengths but there’s one long one, leg 4, which is a 9.5 miles and that was my leg.
We got perfect racing weather. It was mid-30’s and sunny with no wind – so it ran warmer than the temperature. I raced in short shorts, a long sleeve tech with my club singlet over it, a fuzzy hat and light cotton gloves. I carried a bottle of UCan.
Leg 4 is an entirely slight downhill route that follows the Merrimack River. It’s additionally challenging because the leg before it is only 2.5 miles so you really don’t have much time to warm up. You basically have to jump out of the car and go.
My plan was to pace it at near my target marathon pace of 8 minute miles then close hard at the end to mimic a step-up or negative split. Me being me, instead I lit out like a cat with its tail on fire and was racing in the low 7’s from the start.
Once I got a couple miles in I managed to calm down a bit and came in with an overall average of 7:26 for the leg. I was happy with the time, because, like the Thanksgiving 5k it shows me that I have gotten some of my speed back.
My legs were the constraint. I was hurting in the last couple miles with dead legs and wouldn’t have made it much farther. Someone took a picture of me on the course and my form is crappy. In the picture I’m over-striding. My quads were dead and it wrecked my form.
With this additional data point I’ve pivoted my workouts to longer tempo training away from the speed work. I got 2 more 9+ mile step-up runs in this week going into Sunday’s race. I’ll see how marathon pace feels on the legs for the half and that will give me a good idea of where I am. If all goes well I’ll try to target a race in January to see if I can stretch it out to the full 42k.
All good. I feel strong. The heart is hanging in there.
I drove up to Buffalo NY last week from where I live in Mass. It’s interesting to drive through upstate NY and Western Mass. 100 years ago this area was the center of industry and commerce. Each valley has a town with a brick factory, a rail line and a court house, but there’s not much industry anymore.
I drove by the Erie Canal and many tumble-down farms and old buildings. It’s not to say that the area is super depressed or a wasteland, it isn’t. It just isn’t industrial anymore. It’s like a museum to the industrial age.
But, when I see one of those finely crafted brick buildings in the landscape I see a person’s dream. Someone had the dream and the persistence to put a factory there or a house or a barn. They dreamed big of a better future. They bet big on a big future. They took leaps of faith and built without knowing what was going to happen.
I wonder where those people are today. Where are they that believe in growth and abundance? Who among us has the curiosity and drive to build something new on the landscape? Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s you.
On with the show.
Section one – Running Tips
Part Two – Range of Motion and Flexibility –
Voices of reason – the conversation
Kyle & Brent Pease – Where there’s a wheel there’s a way!
Pease Brothers Bio KYLE PEASE At Kennesaw State University, Kyle excelled in the Sports Management field. He worked on designing disabled athlete friendly sports facilities in Acworth, GA before graduating in 2008 with a BS in Sports Management. Throughout his time at KSU, he was an active member and event coordinator for ABLE (Advocacy, Boldness, Leadership, and Empowerment), KSU’s disabled student organization. Kyle was also a brother of KSU’s Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Kyle has worked as a liaison and an ambassador at a major grocery store chain and at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Kyle enjoys competing in marathons and Ironman races with his older brother, Brent. With the mission of instilling hope and determination, Kyle wants to help people see the world from a different view. Through his accomplishments and speeches he hopes to provide a positive outlook and inspiration for individuals looking for motivation in their own lives. Kyle’s message, though always delivered with a sense of humor, is heartfelt and inspired by his unique perspective of life.
BRENT PEASE Brent, an avid sports fan, always enjoyed competing in sports as a child. It wasn’t until he completed his first Irondistance race in 2010 that he and Kyle really enjoyed sports together. Since then he has gone on to complete six Ironman races and numerous 70.3 & Olympic distance races. Brent swam at Woodward Academy and graduated from Florida State University. Brent is multi-sport coach with Dynamo Multisport and is the Executive Director of the Kyle Pease Foundation.
THE BROTHERS PEASE Together Kyle and Brent help other disabled athletes compete in the multisport & endurance world through their non-profit organization, The Kyle Pease Foundation. The Kyle Pease Foundation promotes success for young persons with disabilities by providing assistance to meet their individual needs through sports and competition. Programs include scholarship opportunities, adaptive sports equipment, and participating in educational campaigns around Cerebral Palsy. The Pease brothers have completed over 30 races together since 2011. Brent and Kyle recently completed their second 140.6 mile race together at Ironman Florida with a time of 13 hours, 38 minutes. In 2013, the Pease brothers completed their first iron-distance race at Ironman Wisconsin with a time of 15 hours, 9 minutes.
Press October 2014: Pair of Brothers Compete in This Year’s Ironman–281023582.html
October 2014: Atlanta Brothers Aim to Make History
July 2014: Pease brothers push through the AJC Peachtree Road Race together
Sept 2013: Pease Brothers Finish First Ironman Tri
The Kyle Pease Foundation 711 Cosmopolitan Dr #126 | Atlanta, GA 30324 | 404-822-2383
Section two – Mindsets-
Outro – Closing comments
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
That’s it my friends you have successfully driven through the postindustrial landscape of Episode 4-327 of the RunRunLive Podcast. Keep an eye out for Kyle and Brent when you’re out at races, say ‘hi’.
I’m racing this weekend at the Galloway. Then I’m going to load up a couple cycles of high mileage to bulk up my distance on top pf my speed and tempo and with that, who knows? Maybe I’ll be ready to requalify.
It’s a scary thing for me. Now that I find myself on the precipice again it scares me. But, you never know how a race is going to turn out until you stand on the starting line and take the test.
I’ve got a guy recording the audio version of my MarathonBQ book. He does a podcast called the “Passerby” podcast which is about story telling.
Remember if you stop getting the RunRunLive podcast every 2 weeks go into iTunes and re-subscribe to the new feed.
Last week. In addition to driving to Buffalo I was also on a plane in Alabama. When I got on the plane I mistakenly sat in the wrong seat. I knew I had an aisle seat, but I sat in D when I was supposed to be in C.
This odd gentleman sits in the C seat and is looking at his ticket confusedly. He mumbles something about ‘I think you’re in my seat’. I check my boarding pass and say ‘you’re right – but it’s the same seat if you just want to stay there’.
He says ‘no’ and he wants his seat. I’m like, ‘OK buddy, no problem’ and we do the dosey-doe and swap aisle seats right next to each other. The other passengers are giving bemused smirks and ironically raised eyebrows. The thing is, now that I’m in my correct seat, the C seat there’s an empty seat next to me. It’s the only empty seat on the whole plane. Karma.
I try to be super nice to people this time of year because everyone is so stressed out. If you follow me on social media you might notice that I don’t jump on any of the hate and religion and politics stuff. It doesn’t affect me one way or another what you are angry about.
You see, I figure I can really only control my side of the relationship. And even if you are doing a really bad job of executing your side of the relationship by, let’s say, being a dick, I still can only control my own thoughts and actions, and that’s where I focus my energy.
So as we stroll through the end of the year why don’t you try to be the best customer that sales clerk has ever had? Why don’t you try to be the partner that your loved ones deserve? Why don’t you try to be that member of your community and society that holds up your end of the relationship?
Because that’s under your control.
And while you’re noodling that,
I’ll see you out there.
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –