The RunRunLive Podcast Episode 223 – Steve Bicycle Dreams RAAM
[audio:|titles=Episode 223 – Bicycle Dreams]
Show intro by:
Greg –
RunRunLive – Podcast Intro
Hello and welcome to Post-race funk podcast where I try to shake the cobwebs of standing around in the sun all weekend out of my cranium.
We had another successful road race this weekend at the Groton Road Race. Our 21st year went off well without anyone getting lost or keeling over. We got great weather, sunny and cool with a little dry wind.
Apparently there was a stray horse loose on the course at some point but I never got the full story.
And speaking of loose horses this is the RunRunLive Podcast episode 223 and we have a great interview today with Steve Aurback who directed the award winning movie ‘bicycle dreams’ about a the race across America…
In addition to that we have the usual dancing pigs and talking dogs and other weird species of audio bestiary that we cull forth from the dark recesses of our minds to keep you entertained, informed and inspired for 40+ minutes on a weekly basis on your weird journey.
I’m doing ok. My Plantar Fasciitis is very sore this week, not from running but from standing around and doing physical work all weekend. I managed to squeeze in a couple runs over the weekend and am not completely hopeless when it comes to training. But I am struggling to find my groove – as you’ll hear in one of the pieces today.
I signed up for a marathon. The Pocatella Marathon in Idaho on September 1st. It looks like a good qualifying race and is in time for Boston registration and I’ve never run a race in Idaho. Lord knows if I’ll be ready or even running in September but when it comes to marathons, I’m an impulse buyer.
I took a couple days off last week to do stuff for the race, but ended up doing chores mostly on Thursday. I cut down a big fir tree in the front yard and had another burn pile going. Got rid of some wood and junk.
Came home last week one night to find a blue porta-john in the cul de sac in front of the house. The trail guys dropped it there because the local schools are having the kids out for excursions into the conservation land behind my house. My trails! So all day Thursday Buddy and I got to watch school buses drop off and pick up kids as we worked.
And, I guess we have some work to do here, so on with the show!
Audio clips in this episode:
Anne Brennan –
RunRunLive » Audio Products » MidPackersLament » The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio Book
It took me a few months…but I kept at it and now can present to you The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio book. This is ~50 running stories read into audio by the author (me) and ends up being 6-8 hours of audio.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
Hope you enjoy consuming it as much as I enjoyed recording it!
Ciao, thanks, and I’ll see you out there.
Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:
Story time:
Equipment Check:
Where am I?
Featured Interview:
As for links, the web site is
I have attached our logo and a photo.
We currently do not have any more screenings scheduled at the moment, but we plan another tour next winter.
Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks.
Quick Tip:
Alrighty my little school of endrance fishes you have ridden your bicycles clear across the country to the end of yet another RunRunLive Podcast – episode 222 in the can.
I have shot the rapids of Boston and Groton and now find myself awash aimlessly in the basin at the bottom of those falls. What to do? This is that post-event Ennui. I’ll have to figure it out.
I am in the midst of a heavy travel week. I spent some time in southwestern Minnesota. Farm country. Didn’t get much exercise other than the chewing of lots of high calorie comfort food. I did get out Thursday morning for a easy 35 minute run around.
Had a nice jog, crossed over the west fork of the Des Moines River, saw a historical marker for the first outpost in the area in 1856. These guys have no history. Lots of dirt and trucks and tractors and corn.
The piece I wrote above about being lost came through my fingers without any premeditation or malice-aforethought. Most of the time I let a seed germinate a bit before I pen it, but that was purely a case of being possessed by the spirit and speaking in tongues.
I don’t like to do that. To vent. To let go with unprocessed thoughts and emotion. For you it is like seeing the cake being made. You see the mess of the kitchen and I would rather just show you the prize of the cake.
Sometimes in life we want things to be done and we want to have direction. We want it now. We try to eat our cake before we have let the yeast mature the mix. I try not to do that because You may not know you are peering into the mess of the kitchen. You may just see it as a mess. Only I know that at some point there is a pastry.
I never could understand people who saw things in black and white. In good and bad. Without any doubt. They are either slightly malformed intellects or they are hiding the truth from themselves. Like they are afraid to let that sliver of grey into the room because once there is doubt then all is in doubt by definition. And I’ve spoken before about how human minds recoil from the idea of an infinite grayness.
But the same is true of making decisions, or looking for answers while the cake is still being made. You will just go crazy because you cannot extrapolate a cake from the mess. You can only extrapolate infinite cakes. The mind quails at this and hence the outpouring of weirdness based on an incomplete set of data.
I see this in business everyday where people want an answer. And there is not enough information for a good answer.
Sometimes you have to wait and let more things fall into the sifter until the answer appears and the cake is new again.
It is truly a leadership attribute to not make snap decisions on limited data amidst the pressure for an answer. Let the beer ferment. Let the cake rise and cook. Let the roiling emotions of a bad workout settle down and think about the long view.
And as you are doing that I will see you out there.
I’ll be cogitating my next few moves at Twitter, Facebook, DailyMile, YouTube, Google, Tumblr and Pinterest as cyktrussell that’s Chris yellow king tom Russell with two esses and two ells.
Give us a call and share your thoughts at 206-339-7804 …Leave a message there it sends us an audio file.
Better yet call in an intro for us all – I’ve been getting a lot of emails from people lately about how they listen to the show – well call in and introduce yourself – How to submit one is in the show notes and on the web site –- you will find all the other content on the website
Music this week = the_fire_men-busted_in_jamaica
See you next week.
Great news my running friends – my book of running stories “The Mid-Packer’s Lament” is now available in Kindle format at the Kindle store on! Just search on “Mid-Pack”. It’s a bargain at an easy $5 and all proceeds go towards supporting the underfunded pension plan of the retired cleaning staff at the RunRunLive world headquarters. I recently got a kindle myself and I love it. It does reading very well.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
From Podsafe:
All music used in the show is from the Podsafe music network found at Music Alley. Please support the starving, socially minded artists sampled herein by purchasing some!
Songs sampled from Podsafe:
Outro music:
Outro Artists Bio:
Standard Links:
Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube
Chris’ book on Amazon – >
Mid-Packer’s Lament E-book
Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy E-Book
Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804
Chris Russelllives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy. Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack. Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at Chris also writes for ( and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.
Email me at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com
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