The RunRunLive Podcast Episode 213 – Joe Jurczyk Ultra-Race Director
[audio:|titles=Episode 213 – Joe Jurczyk Ultra Race Director]
Show intro by:
Andy Holgate – Iron Holgs – Link to blog
RunRunLive – Podcast Intro
Hello and welcome to the President’s Day podcast where we make up civic holidays to sell cars and other industrial goods in February. But, no, as annoying as that sounds, this is Chris your favorite disembodied host and this is the RunRunLive Podcast and we have a super show for you today.
I have a great chat with Joe Jurcyzck who is the race director of several ultra events including the infamous Burning River 100. We have a great chat about the current Zeitgeist of ultra running and racing.
In addition I’ll give you the write up on my first real workout this week because I know my recovery from injury is the first and last thing you think about all your day. I’m sure there’s nothing else on your mind than how my running is going – and hey, I aim to please!
I’ve also got a quick tip on how to make some quick and dirty shoe covers for biking outside in the cold.
I apologize if you didn’t get last week’s show on time. I posted it but somehow Libsysn got confusaled and didn’t send it to itunes. You can get the shows directly as file downloads or play them on my site if you ever have issues with itunes or any other feed reader.
I get around 3,000 weekly downloads from Libsyn but frankly I really don’t know the total number because you can source it from multiple places. And, frankly I don’t really care. As long as someone somewhere is listening and getting something of value I’m happy enough to launch my little canoes into the internet river each week.
I have been having some great workouts. I got a 2.5 hour ride outside on the roads on Saturday and a really strong 7 milers on my feet with the club on Sunday. I’ve got my swim figured out and I’ve survived two hard workouts as of today with my heel feeling pretty good.
If my foot continues to hang in there I’ll make a play to rae Boston and see if I can requalify. I’m in a good place right now.
I’m in an easier qualifying position because I turn a age group next year so I still only need a 3:30 to get back next year.
Who woulda thunk it?
On with the show!
Audio clips in this episode:
Some Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
RunRunLive » Audio Products » MidPackersLament » The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio Book
It took me a few months…but I kept at it and now can present to you The Mid-Packer’s Lament Audio book. This is ~50 running stories read into audio by the author (me) and ends up being 6-8 hours of audio.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
Hope you enjoy consuming it as much as I enjoyed recording it!
Ciao, thanks, and I’ll see you out there.
Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:
Story time:
Equipment Check:
The first real workout –
Featured Interview:
Joe Jurczyk – Ultra Race Director (USATF 100 Mile National Championship – RD) (USATF 24 Hour National Championship – I’m one of the organizers, but not the RD) ( co-RD)
http://www.dirtytrailseries. (I’m officer of local trail running group which was initially started to support the Burning River 100)
Quick Tip:
Quick and Dirty Shoe Covers –
Ok my friends, that’s it you have patriotically saluted the grand presidents through the end of yet another RunRunLive Podcast, Episode 213 in the can!
Stay tuned…Don’t touch that dial, because next week we get to talk with the president of Eat Smart about dieting a scale technology. And I’m not pandering to sponsors, I don’t have any sponsors, it’s actually a pretty good talk with some smart folks.
I have done some killer interviews that I have coming through the pipeline. I’m such a lucky stiff that I can talk to these folks and learn from them. You know that’s what we’re doing here, right? We’re learning.
We learn things like, “You can do anything you set your mind to.” And “the human body is an incredible machine” and through endurance sports we can transform our lives and transcend. That’s cool, right?
I like to learn.
I’m currently reading a book on Anarchy that I may pitch because it isn’t very compelling, but the interesting bits are the thought processes and philosophies of the original anarchists and socialists and Marxists. They were trying to figure out how to gain ultimate freedom for humanity by getting rid of all manifestations of authority and power.
That’s out of the box thinking. Throw away all structure and let the innate pure nature of man rule himself. Law and government are just the tools of oppression. Interesting stuff. Unfortunately their great experiments, so far, have shown that it is in the pure nature on humans to produce dictators and demagogy.
So I’m going to spin up some intensity for to make a play at Boston over the next few weeks. I’ll be doing some speed and some tempo but restricting it to 3-4 days a week with the swimming, biking and lifting on the other days.
I’m still going to try for that IronMan in June. Not to win or anything, just to go the distance. I’m not super passionate about it but I figure I can add it to my resume and go back to doing stuff I love.
I’m listening to “Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenenace” by robert Pirsig as an audio book. I got it from the Guardian Newspaper in the UK – go to their Guardian.UK website and search on free audio book. They are giving away one every month.
This was an important book for me when I read it 30 odd years ago. I didn’t have to read it in school. I read it on my own on a plane traveling to Asia.
I used to have some great reading sessions on those long 14-20 hour flights curled up in a business class seat with a scotch and a good book. In this undisturbed sactuary, before laptops, I was forming my philosophy as a young man. I was searching for something, some sort of answer to the big questions.
I read my way through all the classics. I particularly liked the Russians; Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, but I read Cato and Camus and Kafka and any other dog-eared tome I could rummage from the used book bin.
And it’s interesting to me that these ghosts and their leavings taught me more than any school or degree had or could.
And on one trip I read Pirsig’s Chataqua about a brilliant man going insane by searching for the answers. It was a revelation to me that there really are no answers. When you peel the onion all you find is more onion. Our world is infinite and unknowable.
Now this realization makes most people go crazy. People don’t deal well with the infinite and unknowable. It makes them feel a sense of un-tethered vertigo. Because if there are no answers and everything is infinite and unknowable then what really is the point of putting on pants and going to work today?
It bothers some people so much that they need to replace the infinite, yawning void with a face and a story and a religious coda that is knowable through faith.
But my revelation was not that I was unsettled. My revelation is that once you come to grips with living in an infinite and unknowable place, you become free. Free to realize that you can choose your actions, your thoughts, your life. And it frees you from so much of the striving and so much of the taking it all too seriously that we get caught up in.
It should open up a bog bag of wonder, because you realize there is also infinite opportunity for knowing more and for striving and for growth.
We are unbounded.
There will always be an undiscovered country for us. Your world, our world is infinite and unknowable and that is wonderful! It’s ok.
And I’ll see you out there.
You can find me Acting presidential at Twitter, Facebook, DailyMile, YouTube, Google and Tumblr as cyktrussell that’s Chris yellow king tom Russell with two esses and two ells.
Share your presidential directives with us by calling – 206-339-7804. Leave a message there it sends an audio file.
Preside over an intro – how to submit one is in the show notes and on the web site –- you will find all the other content on the website
Music to take you out is a great example of what happens when you leave kids to their own devices – they create stuff, fun unique stuff – Anarchy does lead to art.
Have a great week.
Great news my running friends – my book of running stories “The Mid-Packer’s Lament” is now available in Kindle format at the Kindle store on! Just search on “Mid-Pack”. It’s a bargain at an easy $5 and all proceeds go towards supporting the underfunded pension plan of the retired cleaning staff at the RunRunLive world headquarters. I recently got a kindle myself and I love it. It does reading very well.
The Mid-Packer’s Lament is a series of short stories on long distance running, racing and the human comedy inherent in all sports enthusiasts. This is the perfect book for runners and wannabe runners. There are stories about training, eating, special places and special races. There are stories about the accidental athlete in all of us and the stupid things we do for even amateur endeavors. Whether you are a weekend mid-pack runner or a competitive club runner, you’ll find something thought provoking and amusing that you can relate to in the Mid-Packer’s Lament.
From Podsafe:
All music used in the show is from the Podsafe music network found at Music Alley. Please support the starving, socially minded artists sampled herein by purchasing some!
Song 2-3
Outro music:
The Lawrence Academy student acapella group “On Air”performing Sublime’s Santoria
Outro Artists Bio:
Bad Religion has always seen music as a force for social change. On their latest CD entitled The Empire Strikes First, punk’s most important active band takes its weightiest stance yet on the dual themes of religion and politics
Standard Links:
Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube
Chris’ book on Amazon – >
Mid-Packer’s Lament E-book
Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy E-Book
Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804
Chris Russelllives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy. Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack. Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at Chris also writes for ( and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.
Email me at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com
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