
This category is for endurance related posts. Search here for running, swimming and biking tips and instruction from Chris.

5 at 5 Day 23

5.3 miles, 69 Degrees, overcast and muggy. I’ve heard that the Romans didn’t have a concept of hours and minutes like we do.  They had ‘morning’ and ‘midday’ and ‘afternoon’, but not 9:00AM or 2:23PM.   This meant that their days naturally flexed with the solstices and the natural rhythm of the planet.  You didn’t …

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5 at 5 Day 22

5.38 Miles, 60 Degrees, Sunny and absolutely beautiful.  Very low humidity. Longest day of the year yesterday.  Sunrise at 5:08 yesterday, 5:09 today.  It’s all down hill from here! The official sunrise is 5:09 but the day begins to wake up around 4:30.  That’s when the happy birds wake up.  That’s when I usually wake …

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