Episode 4-431 – Liz Warner – Running Adventures

The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-431 – Liz Warner – Running Adventures

 (Audio: link) audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi4431.mp3]
Link epi4431.mp3

MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks – http://www.marathonbq.com/qualify-for-the-boston-marathon-in-14-weeks/

Hello and welcome to episode 4-431 of the RunRunLive Podcast.

I know, I know, I’m a few days late…  I’m going to be honest with you.  I just wasn’t motivated to produce this past weekend.  Just wasn’t.  My strategy is to spread out the production tasks throughout the week so when I get to the microphone it’s only a couple hours of work.  When I don’t do that it takes a good chunk of a day to pull it together.

I just didn’t have the energy.  Wasn’t motivated.  Hey, I’m just a average guy like the rest of ‘em and sometimes I run out of mental energy.  Truthfully when that happens the product quality starts to suffer.  I’m guessing there’s only a few of you die-hards who even noticed I missed my publishing window! You’re waiting until your weekend run to listen anyhow, right?

So, I have recharged the batteries, grabbed the loose threads, gathered up the sundry pieces of episode 4-431, swept them into a slightly greasy bin, and will present them here for you today!

Today we have a good show for you.  I’ve got an interview with Liz who is finishing up her  ‘run 30 marathons before her 30th birthday’ project.  I was really impressed by her sense of adventure and hopefulness.  It’s a refreshing attitude.  It’s empowering.  I enjoyed talking to her.

And indeed, she is running to empower women in many places around the world that would seem sketchy and dangerous to most people, let alone a young woman.  I’m glad to have been able to talk with her.

In section one I’ll talk a bit about how to mix in some hard effort sessions into your stale old training.  I’ve been doing this and enjoying it.

In section two I have a piece on consumer buying trends that I’ve been thinking about.

I left the old man and the Amazon out in the Apocalypse for now.  I have been doing some writing but haven’t gotten back to that.  If you’re new, I’m talking about an apocalyptic story series I’ve been doing for the past three episodes.  I’ve got some ideas, but I have to find the time.

I think it would make a great serial podcast.  I would be the narrator and we’d assemble voice actors for the parts of the story.  If you’re interested in any of that reach out to me and we’ll have some fun.

And if you’re new, this is the RunRunLive podcast.  I’m up to 431 official episodes across 12 years and 4 iterations.  60ish marathons, ultramarathons, mountain bike ultras, Triathlons, a Spartan beast and sundry other fun stuff.

We talk to interesting people about endurance sports. We try to have some helpful tips for our endurance athlete friends and we muse on different things that might be interesting to think about while you’re out in the woods with your dog on a long run.

It is still the apocalypse here where I live in New England.  My family is safe and I’m still safe.  I haven’t traveled since March and I’m getting a bit of cabin fever.  It’s a bit like Groundhog Day.

I’m still training, even though all the races have been canceled.  Well, I should say all the physical races have been canceled.  Humans being humans we are creating a basket full of virtual races to run.  I have signed up for a couple.

Currently I’m running the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee that Gary Cantrell aka Lazarus Lake of Barkley Marathon fame is putting on.  And I’ll link to all this stuff in the show notes.  He has 18,000+ people signed up from around the world.  That’s over a million bucks in race fees.  My ultra-running friends wouldn’t stop pestering me – so I singed up.

It’s all those anarchic ultra-runners. The first day someone ran 84 miles.  We’re 13 days in and someone already finished the 1,000K.

I’m not doing anything special to try to keep up.  I’m not sure I have the mileage right now to make 1,000 Kilos by the end of August.  I’m actually pretty sure I don’t.  I am logging my  1.2 mile morning walks with Ollie the Collie, because according to the rules it counts.

I signed up for another one The Montauk Need to Feed 5K  which again, I’m probably not going to bust out a 5K alone for fun, but I want to support people in need.  Jerod Ward and Mollie Huddle are running that one.

You, my friends, if you’re able, should sign up for some sort of virtual event.  Even if you don’t want to do the event.  Sign up and lend your weight to the sense of community around the race and your shekels to the charity involved.  It’s an easy way to stay involved and contribute.

I’m not big on virtual races.  I’ve spent so much of the last 20 years training alone.  I don’t care about t-shirts and medals.  When I race, I care about how I feel and how I compete.  I don’t get that same juice from running by myself.  For me, that’s called ‘Wednesday’.

Close your eyes and join me.  It is a cold morning with the chill of a mist in the air.  The sun is just starting to creep up over a still cold lake nestled in the shoulder of a mountain.  You feel the thrill of the crowded starting line.  Nervous, fit, humans shuffle dust in the dirt road.  Murmurs and stifled laughs fill the background and there is an electric sense of energy.

Like the opening of mass at a great cathedral a hush comes over the throng.  A runner steps forward.  She launches into the national anthem.  Starting out low an haunting like the bugles before a pitched battle and cresting high a brave like a waving flog of freedom.  A large, gathering voice voice lashed across a sea of energy.

You don your hat, wipe a tear from your eye, and wait for the gun and the surge.

And then, you see, you are out there…

On with the show.



About Zero

ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer is the leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer. ZERO advances research, improves the lives of men and families, and inspires action.

Link to my ZERO page: (for Donations)


I’ll remind you that the RunRunLive podcast is ad free and listener supported.  What does that mean? It means you don’t have to listen to me trying to sound sincere about Stamps.com or Audible.. (although, fyi, my MarathonBQ book is on audible) We do have a membership option where you can become a member and as a special thank you, you will get access to member’s only audio. There are book reviews, odd philosophical thoughts, zombie stories and I curate old episodes for you to listen to.  I recently added that guy who cut off is foot so he could keep training and my first call with Geoff Galloway.   “Curated” means I add some introductory comments and edit them up a bit.  So anyhow – become a member so I can keep paying my bills.


The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported.  We do this by offering a membership option where members get Access to Exclusive Members Only audio and articles.

    • Member only race reports, essays and other bits just for you!

Links are in the show notes and at RunRunLive.com

Become a member

Section one – Some high Intensity – https://runrunlive.com/hard-efforts

Voices of reason – the conversation

Liz Warner

Run to Reach – http://runtoreach.com/

Tackling 30 of the world’s toughest marathons for women’s organizations around the globe Runner and philanthropist Liz Warner is taking on 30 of the world’s most challenging marathons, reaching 30 different countries before turning 30 in June 2020. Covering 786 miles, Liz is set to raise $100,000 for women-focused organizations in the final 20 countries, as well as to highlight on a global scale the efforts of each incredible organization and the strong communities, natural beauty and rich culture that each country holds.

In It For The Long Run

Marathoner Liz Warner launched Run to Reach in early 2019, marking the beginning of a whirlwind 18-month international fundraising initiative that will see her face 30 marathons across the globe and partner with 20 local NGOs. Each one empowers women in its community to become independent, take control of their futures and fight in the face of vulnerability and discrimination. As the year’s end approaches, Liz is over two thirds into her challenge, with races taking her up active volcanoes in Guatemala, through refugee camps in Western Sahara, and across glacial lakes in Mongolia. For the last series of races, Liz will venture to far-reaching and diverse destinations, like the central highlands of Afghanistan, into the depths of small villages in Somaliland and through the rolling foothills of Mt. Everest. With every inspirational story encountered, Liz has pushed the Run to Reach mission to go even deeper. Through this project, Liz hopes to tell a story of each nation that brings to light a positive narrative in the face of challenging situations and stigmas. Race after race, it has only become clearer that the heart of each country’s promise of prosperity and equality comes from the empowerment and enablement of its women. Now with a clear focus for the last of the Run to Reach marathons, Liz hopes to drive relentlessly the success of each organization she engages with.

“I’ve participated in numerous marathons and fully believe in the potential of the running community to make an incredible impact on the planet. I am firmly convinced that our collective impact, linked together, can be exponentially more powerful and change the world we live in today. Through Run to Reach, the organizations I have chosen to work with are strong examples of empowering global women communities.”

Whether it’s transforming education facilities in local towns and villages or providing women with the resources they need to become leaders of change, I want Run to Reach to enforce change across the world.

Section two – Consumer Trends  –  https://runrunlive.com/capturing-consumer-trends-in-the-apocalypse



Well, my friends, you have run through the deserts, oceans and jungles of this mad world to the end of the RunRunLive Podcast Episode 4-431.

Good to spend time with you. I’m glad I delayed this episode for a week.  It gave me a chance to read through the pieces and edit them.  Usually I’m a write straight through and don’t worry about editing guy.

The funny thing is, whether you believe it or not, I care deeply about doing a good job.  Not just here in the podcast, but in everything I do.  It causes dissonance in me to have to rush through and do things in a slipshod way.

And that’s not the way I want to tell my story.

Research has connected the dots between why affirmation works in some cases and not in others.  It has to do with whether or not you actually believe the affirmation.

What does this mean?

It means the story you tell about yourself is important. It also means the way you tell it is very important.  And it means you must believe that story.

You can repeat whatever positive mantra you want over and over while gazing at yourself in the mirror, but it won’t improve your performance or your life unless you believe it.  You can’t trick yourself into believing.

Affirmation, whether internal or external works when it is grounded in what we believe to be our true selves.

We all know what our strengths are.  Those are the bedrock of our beliefs.

When you can understand and articulate what your strengths are it gives you an anchor.  Rooted to this anchor you can clear your way through the noise of inputs and outputs and set a path that is true to you.

Take a moment of quiet today and write down what you are proud of, what you are good at, and what you are passionate about.

Then use that statement of strength to tell your story.  Not just to yourself, but to everyone else.

Thanks for listening.


And – I’ll see you out there.

(Outro bumper)

To take you out is Track number 10 from Brian Sheff The Rock Opera by The Nays – Called “Searching for so Long”




MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks – http://www.marathonbq.com/qualify-for-the-boston-marathon-in-14-weeks/



Rachel -> http://www.nextlevelnutrition.fitness/contact-appointment/

Coach Jeff -> https://dailyfitbook.com/


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