Podcasts I listen to part deux
Business, marketing and internet business
(Audio: link)
Link M11-Business-Podcasts.mp3
When I first discovered podcasts I immediately recognized them as a learning tool. More importantly they were the cutting edge of internet business. The early business and marketing podcasts talked about online trends and all the cool new social tools.
Mainstream business was slow to adopt but eventually some of the more staid media organizations started jumping in with offerings.
Since I am mostly interested in the ideas and content I usually listen to these at a faster speed so I can get more information faster.
I suppose you’re thinking to yourself, “Wait a second cowboy! With your schedule how in the world do you find time to listen to all these podcasts?” I don’t listen to all of them every week. Occasionally I’ll get 10 straight hours when I’m working in the yard or training on the weekend and you can knock off a lot of podcasts in 10 hours at double speed.”
Sales Podcasts
One of the topics that I am always interested in is sales.
The Advanced Selling Podcast – https://advancedsellingpodcast.com/
The Advanced Selling Podcast is a couple of guys out of Indianapolis. They are good sales experts of the new breed where sales is a science and not some sort of hated black magic. They talk about many of the themes that underpin my own philosophies. If you get the right episode you might hear a question from a familiar person covered.
Unfortunately they have recently joined the PodcastOne network so there is a bit of ads and fluff you have to wade through now to get the content.
The Cold Calling Podcast – http://www.podfeed.net/podcast/The+Cold+Calling+Podcast/7478
They stopped producing this podcast in 2007 but it is one of the best sources on cold calling by a couple of practitioners. There was a time in my life when I had to overcome the fear of picking up the phone and approaching prospective customers. This is one of the most valuable skillsets I have acquired in my career.
Straight talk with Supply chain Insights podcast – http://supplychaininsights.com/podcast/
This is one of the only podcasts in the industry I’m in so I have to listen to it. Since they are using old technology, it errors out 98% of the time and I don’t have to.
Tony Robbins podcast – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tony-robbins-podcast/id1098413063?mt=2
This is a relatively new business themed podcast that Tony has started producing. Love him or hate him he produces quality content and is good at what he does and has a passion for it.
Julius Baer CIO – https://www.juliusbaer.com/ch/en/news-wall/archive/category/podcasts/
I stumbled on this podcast by accident because I thought CIO stood for Chief Information Executive and it was about business IT. It’s not. It’s about corporate investing. It’s the mouthpiece of one of the biggest institutional investors in Europe and is a fascinating window into the world of global finance.
HBR Ideacast – http://feeds.harvardbusiness.org/harvardbusiness/ideacast
This is the resident podcast of the Harvard Business Review. It suffers from the self-important stuffiness of that publication and drifts off into liberal agenda items that I’m not that interested in. But, because of their pedigree they get access to interview some of the most powerful business titans of our age and those interviews are priceless.
Internet business and internet business lifestyle
Six Pixels of Seperation – http://www.twistimage.com/podcast/
Mitch was one of the original podcasters back in the day. I based some of my schtick on his show. He has been cranking out a weekly, one hour, interview-based show for 10 years now. His purview is marketing but more specifically digital marketing and all the whacky and weird denizens of that place.
Internet Business Mastery – http://www.internetbusinessmastery.com/1landing/subscribe-podcast/
These two guys started podcasting back in the day as well. I got a lot of my internet business skills from them as I built up my social media presence over the years. They’ve gone through good and bad cycles over the years but they always get me excited about the potential of the internet and share their learning with you.
Smart Passive income – http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/podcasts/
Pat Flynn is a student of the internet business mastery method and has taken it to create a million dollar a year business of his own. You can argue how much of this is making money by telling people how to make money but he goes into extreme detail on how the internet business revenue streams work. He’s a hustler.
Hal Elrod – http://halelrod.com/podcast/
I interviewed Hal about his Miracle Morning book which was a game changer for so many. He’s another guy with a great story and a hustler. Weighted a bit more towards ‘life improvement’ than business per se.
The Portfolio Life with Jeff Goins – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/portfolio-life-jeff-goins/id844091351?mt=2
I really liked Jeff’s book ‘The Portfolio Life’. In his podcasts he interviews people related to work and lifestyle improvements.
This is your life – Michael Hyatt – http://michaelhyatt.com/thisisyourlife
This is Michael’s weekly podcast dedicated to ‘intentional leadership’. Overall there’s just too much evangelical language for my taste, but he is definitely a knowledgeable senior businessman with experience running big companies and starting his own.
The Accidental Creative – http://www.accidentalcreative.com/category/podcasts/ac/
This is a great podcast by Todd Henry targeted at those individuals who make a living through creative means. I was originally introduce to this by a listener who said I reminded her of him. Todd has some great points. He’s always pushing the boundary on how creatives can be successful.
I’m going to leave it there because those are the podcasts I listen tool that might even remotely be categorized as business. I will listen to these at an accelerated speed to get the information faster. I will look at the topic and show notes to decide if it is something I want to invest my time in. If I don’t get to them I have no sadness in deleting them. You can always go back and dig through the dust bin if you run out of things to listen to.
Another interesting phenomena of late is that when someone in this topical sphere publishes a book, like Chris Guillebeau or Gary Vanerchuck – at least three of these podcasts will interview them the same week – you get to choose which interview you want to listen to.
Another good thing about the business podcasts is that none of these have adopted the annoying long form that makes you suffer through a 2 hour show.
Next up I’ll review my general interest podcasts and that should be entertaining.