The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-350 – Marathon Training Strategies with CoachPRS
(Audio: link)
Link epi4350.mp3
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Hello my friends from Portland Oregon where I just ran the marathon. Portland – home of the weird. Welcome my friends and family to episode 4-350 of the RunRunLive podcast. Another week another adventure, eh?
This week’s adventure was flying to Portland to run the marathon. It was weird and wonderful and I did well – but you can hear all about it in the race report in this episode. I also sit down with Coach and we talk about some marathon strategies on the futon in his running store in Woodstock Oregon – Pace Setter Athletics.
That’s probably enough for one episode.
Thank you all for showing up every other week and listening to my stories. I appreciate it. I truly live a charmed life.
I ran into a couple folks this week who were podcast listeners and it’s super weird for them to hear my voice and see it coming out of me. I’m sure it’s terribly disturbing and potentially disappointing but I love getting out and having adventures and meeting people. I’m like Kwai Chang from Kung Fu. Wandering the earth, speaking cryptic philosophy and kicking ass. “When you can snatch the pebble from my hand…grasshopper” (Google it kids.)
I’ll keep my comments brief because I’m juggling travel and work this week.
If you want the inside scoop on my adventures you can always become a member. It’s basically a subscription option to fund the podcast and in exchange I produce member only audio. Mostly I’ve been doing book reviews of the various books I read but you never know what’s going to pop out of my fertile and active mind and into a member’s episode!
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I spent the week in Woodstock Oregon. You have to remember I’m from Boston. . I grew up in the 70’s Irish Catholic. The Portland area is in some ways way outside my comfort zone but in other ways strangely familiar.
It’s like being dropped into a friendly pot growing commune in 1972. Everybody is super politically correct and friendly but at the same time super alternative life style.
This is a place where you have to be careful not to walk too close to the road when walking down the sidewalk because cars will crash themselves stopping to let you cross. In Boston driving is a contact sport and pedestrians are the prize. In Portland it’s like some sort of baroque dance routine.
There is a coffee shop on every corner. But not a Starbucks. The villagers picket Starbucks and drive them out of town as the evil corrupting corporation. Every store sells craft beer. The hardware store sells craft beer. The tanning salon sells craft beer. If they’re not selling craft beer they are selling pot.
Everyone wears a ski hat. Everyone has purple hair, and piercings and tattoos and man-buns and Mohawks. But they are all super nice and homey. Every restaurant is a vegan restaurant. There are homeless people everywhere, but it’s hard to tell the homeless from the hipsters. There’s an actual game in Portland called ‘Homeless or hipster?’ where you try to guess.
Everything is made by orphaned panda cubs using baby koala tears. It rains almost every day.
As I sit here writing this, on the roof of a natural foods market – that sells craft beer and vegan appetizers – they have Kombucha on tap – there is a woman(?) with a goatee who has been discussing the nuances of an upcoming wiccan ceremony for 40 minutes like she’s talking about what kind of brownies to bring to the PTA meeting.
I love it here. You can be as weird as you want and everyone is friendly.
And that’s what I love about America.
And that’s why I go on adventures.
On with the show.
Section one –
No Section one.
Voices of reason – the conversation
Coach Jeff Kline PRSFit
At PRS FIT we provide training, motivation and camaraderie. When you become a part of our Team you quickly see we love what we do. (You also receive our first time finishers guarantee) We do it better because we care about you. The Team cares about you. We don’t go off the grid. When you need an answer we’re there to help you find it!
Prs Fit is a community of athletes from all over the world. We are a team. Alone or together, from beginner 5k to Boston Marathon and 100 Miler, sprint triathlon to Kona, we strive and we conquer. Prs Fit lets you experience what we call Team and social fitness – connecting and motivating each through our one of a kind global team experience. No matter the weather, the circumstance, day after day, we provide a high quality training experience that produces results.
Be Healthy. Train Smart. Have Fun.
Section two
Portland Marathon –
Well my friends you have pushed your hips forward through the end of episode 4-350 of the RunRunLive Podcast.
That was fun right? I’m definitely on a high cycle right now. I find myself at the end of my to-do list with no races on the calendar. Well, of course I always have races on the calendar. But, I’m going to heed Coach’s advice and lose a little fitness now. I decided not to double down. See? I’m coachable.
I have my yearly water stop volunteer duty at the Bay State Marathon coupled with the Groton Town Forest Trail race next weekend. At some point in November I have a turkey trot. Then in December is the Mill cities relay. Of course on New Year’s Eve day we have the newly official Groton Marathon. And on New Year ’s Day the Hangover Classic. That should keep me busy.
How about you all? What are you racing and training for? What’s your next adventure? What are you going to do? You’re not getting any younger. Now is as good a time as ever.
Find something the scares you as much as it inspires you and turn that weird thing into an adventure.
And I’ll see you out there.
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –