The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-348 – Kristy Jo and Power Foods!
(Audio: link)
Link epi4348.mp3
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –
Hello my friends and welcome to episode 4-348 of the RunRunLive Podcast. I ran a bit long last episode with Mike. I was up against a deadline so I just let it slide. I’ll try to better this time. You may have noticed I started slipping cookies into the end of the show after the outro. A ‘cookie’ in the lingo of the podcasting ‘biz’ is a blooper that I find particularly engaging. Like last week when I either wrote into my script or spell checked in that Australopithecines had ‘disposable’ thumbs!
That’s just too funny not to share.
Today we speak with Kristy Jo. I love that name. It’s like something from a TV show. Kristy shares some very good tips and tricks around her Power Foods nutrition plan. I read through her book and it’s quite sensible.
I know this whole weight loss nutrition thing is a real challenge for so many people and I thought we’d give you some pointers from someone who has been through it all and get her approach.
I have been steadily losing weight as well. I wrapped up my 30 day plan at the end of August but decided to keep it going. My training is going really well at the lighter weight. I want to see where I can get to by the Portland Marathon next month.
Last episode I erroneously said I was down to 170 pounds. That was incorrect. What I meant was 175 pounds, which is still good, because I started at 185ish. I’m currently in the low 170’s with a body fat percentage of in the 10’s. Body fat percentage is a much better metric than weight or BMI. A good range for a guy my age is in the low teens.
All that aside what I’m really pleased with is how much better workouts feel and how well my heart is responding. That’s how I define ‘feeling healthy’ and that’s what I’m going for.
We have a wonderfully hewn, well crafted, and individually designed for your specific needs – show for you today. It’s a thing of beauty this show. I had it hand crafted by virgin baby koalas just for you.
In section one I’ll answer some rapid fire running questions. In section 2 I’ll talk about the Wapack Trail race I ran over Labor Day weekend.
I was wondering if anyone was going to write in about my math problem when I told the story of the store clerk in Atlanta. And I wasn’t disappointed. For the record, I know that 30% plus 20% can be calculated 2 different ways. When you combine a 20% discount with a 30% discount the answer is either 50% or 44% depending how you apply the discounts. Glad to see you’re paying attention. Makes me feel loved.
There are a billion podcasts these days aren’t there? It’s funny how the cycles turn. Someone should do some research on it. First it was just us hobbyists and the big news outlets. Now everyone with a platform has gotten the message that a podcast is a must-have channel – especially the internet marketing folks.
Thank you for joining me on my journey. You don’t have to. I’m doing it because I like doing it. It allows me to practice my creativity and production. It forces me to think critically about topics. It allows me to interact with people I find interesting. I explore topics and people that are interesting to me, that’s why I can keep producing for 9+ years and 350 shows. I do it for myself.
At the same time, whenever I create anything I think about the audience. I ask the question “Why do you care?” This keeps me from getting too wrapped up in myself and allows me to add value. If you don’t care I’m just an annoying old dude that you sat next to on a long flight and won’t shut up even though you put your headphones in and pretended to sleep. I don’t want to be that guy.
I do have a membership option to defray the cost because I’m a capitalist at heart and not a charity! I’m working on a proper set of books but as near as I can figure I spend about $1,500 a year on the podcast. Consider buying a membership. I’m still working on a separate iTunes feed for it. My guy in Nigeria can’t quite figure out how to make the remote header calls work with my wordpress plugin, but I’m working on it. If you’ve known me for any length of time you know I’m patient. When I decide to do something it takes on the inevitability of a glacier.
The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported. We do this by offering a membership option where members get Access to Exclusive Members Only audio
Last week I uploaded two, count ‘em, two, book reviews. One for the Neal Stephenson SevenEves scifi tome and another for Moonwalking with Einstein, a treatise on memory techniques.
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How about some useful running information? How about that? Instead of all this waffling on about the creative act? OK
One of the workouts Coach gave me this week was a medium effort hill workout. Many times you will run longer or faster hill workouts for leg strength or as a type of speed workout or threshold workout. That’s not what this particular workout is for. This is a workout to practice form.
Hills are a great place to practice form because running uphill naturally forces you up onto your forefoot, to take shorter, more rapid strides and to lift your knees. Hills bring the form to you.
For the medium effort hill repeat you are only doing 30 seconds. That’s long enough to get into your form but not long enough to stress you. You do the workout at medium effort, so maybe a 7-8 on a scale of 1-10.
People always ask ‘how steep should the hill be?’ For these medium effort repeats you can actually answer that question. When you get into the repeat itself your form should be clean. If you’re having to lean forward or struggling to get your feet turning over – the hill is too steep.
When you run the repeat focus on pushing off rapidly from the forefoot. Push your hips forward. Run tall. Keep your chin up, your shoulders high and loose and your hands high and loose. Focus on the form, not the effort. Don’t carry anything in your hands.
Jog down the hill and don’t start another rep until your heart rate settles down. I usually leave my bottle at the bottom of the hill. I stop when I get back, take a drink, walk a bit and when my HR falls under zone 2 I’ll ease into the next rep. I also find a stick and scratch a tally mark into the dirt after every rep. It makes a game out of it.
Do a set of 10-15 of these. These are great, especially if you are trying to clean up your form. Like I said a 4-6% hill will automatically help you clean up your form. And I’m pretty sure the sine of that angle is the opposite over the hypotenuse, but I could be wrong.
Practice makes perfect.
Do your practice.
On with the show.
Section one –
Running Tip Roundup –.
Voices of reason – the conversation
Kristy Jo Hunt
My Skype is “kristyjohunt.”
My home website is but there is much under construction with funnels, and I fear not everything leads back to one congruent space. I would love to talk about my background with long distance running and why I got into it (disordered eating and thinking it would solve weight issues) to why I got out of it (chronic pain with my 50-degree scoliosis that I pushed through the pain due to the disordered eating habits and FEAR), as well as my coaching of long-distance athletes with meal structure and timing that we have found to be very successful and optimize their body weight and energy for better times.
I will put my bio below:
Kristy Jo Hunt is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, published author, and natural Women’s Figure Competitor. After overcoming over a decade of disordered eating battles, she began a Facebook page in 2012. This Facebook page grew to be a full-blown education-based body transformation company called Body Buddies. Her team of coaches helps people correct health issues, overcome disordered eating, achieve their goals, and reach their desired aesthetics.
She is the author of the book series and recipe book line, The Power Foods Lifestyle, and founded the company, Body Buddies, a transformation and education coaching system. Body Buddies teaches strategic implementation of scientific principles using psychological profiling to help people make sustainable changes in their nutrition and fitness efforts. She hosts online group challenges, coaches clients one-on-one, and teaches seminars for athletic teams, corporations, and church groups. As a way to help many people for free, she hosts the Body Buddies podcast, YouTube Channel, and Social Media feeds where she shares tips and tricks to nutrition, exercise, and mindset training.
Her greatest happiness comes from watching others succeed and overcome obstacles that previously prevented them from reaching their goals.
I would love to link to in the show notes and I would love to offer my free gift to your listeners of my free book (they just pay shipping) at
Kristy Jo
Kristy Jo Hunt CPT/FNS/Author, Body Buddies929-BOD-BUDS | | | Skype: kristyjohunt |
Section two
Wapack 2016 –
Well my friends you have nibbled your way on proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates through to the end of episode 4-348 of the RunRunLive Podcast.
Are you full? Are you satiated? Did you have to unbutton your jeans so all that good info would fit?
I’ve got a short turn around now and I’m heading out to do the Spartan Beast in Killington Vt. I’m dragging my youngest along and she’s going to do the sprint on Sunday.
I was looking at the instructions and anyone who starts the Beast after noon needs to carry a headlamp and two glow sticks…And they pull you off the course if you haven’t finished by 9:00 pm. Really? I have no intention of being on that course for 9 hours. Am I missing something?
Coach is still trying to talk me out of it so I can focus on the Portland marathon on October 9th. What I like about him is that he’s old-school. He thinks every race is an Olympic qualifier. But, I’m at the point in my life where I have to try new things and have some fun too.
That being said if I can maintain the diet and come out of Portland strong I’ll look at the calendar and see if there isn’t something serious to train for. I’ve got to figure out if we are going to do the Groton Marathon again this year.
Many of you are running your goal races now or over the next few weeks. Good luck with those. Remember that the hay is in the barn and there’s nothing you can do in the last couple weeks to make up training.
As you are in your taper towards your race you can use a couple of the things we talked about here to help you stay sane. As your training load gets lighter you have an opportunity and the time to do some of the fine-tuning things.
- Think about practicing the mediation and visualization that we’ve talked about.
- Work in some easy yoga every other day to stretch and strengthen your machine.
- Do some meal planning around your taper weeks to go into the race lean and strong with a lot of energy.
That’s how you apply the tools from the conversations we have here.
That’s the real trick with all the content available to you. You’re like a DJ. You are the creative genius for your life. You take all this stuff in and mix it to make your own sound, your own movie and craft your own story.
Make sure you get the ending right.
And I’ll see you out there.
MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks –