Episode 4-451 – Dylan Runs and Writes  

The RunRunLive 4.0 Podcast Episode 4-451 – Dylan Runs and Writes

(Audio: link) audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi4451.mp3]
Link epi4451.mp3

MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks – http://www.marathonbq.com/qualify-for-the-boston-marathon-in-14-weeks/


Hello my friends and welcome to episode 4-451 of the RunRunLive Podcast.

How’s everyone doing?  Spring has arrived up here in New England.  We will lose the last of the snow today.  There is one dirty little pile in the lee of my stone wall in the front lawn that has been tenaciously hanging on.

The weather has been fabulous these last two weeks.  Up into the 50’s and 60’s Fahrenheit.  What we call mud season up here.  Quickly followed by allergies and black flies, and settling into mosquitoes.

But, in all seriousness, It is a interesting thing to be able to watch.  The animals know it’s spring before we do.  Less than a month ago it was snow and single digits but the birds knew spring was coming.  You could here them in the mornings busying up new nests and beginning the process of raising the next generation.

I was walking Ollie on morning this week and I had to pause and marvel at the noise.

This time of year, we have what are known as vernal pools.  That’s where the water gathers during the spring melt in glacial hollows.  They only manifest this time of year.  They are ephemeral pools of water.  They dry up by late June.

Because of their ephemeral nature they have no fish in them.  Because there are no fish the local amphibians and insects run riot like partiers on a South Beach spring break.  I had to stop and listen because the level of noise from the frogs coming out of this vernal pool was so loud.  Where less than 30 days ago it was frozen solid.

Life finds a way.  We all find a way.

I am still laid up with the sore knee.  It’s been 4 weeks off running.  I did try a little bit of running but it needs more rest.  I have experience with these things.  It’s typically 6-8 weeks, unless there’s real damage, then it could be 6 months.

I’m ok with that. With these nice days I wish I could be out in the woods with Ollie.  I’ve been riding my bike more as the weather improves.  It will take me a couple weeks to get my bike legs back.   I’m lucky enough to have a lot of experience with both road biking and mountain biking, and to have enough equipment to do both without an large expenditure!

In between I’ve been doing core workouts and long yoga sessions.

Today we talk to Dylan who is a writer of young adult fiction.  I ran into Dylan through our friend Ann who we’ve had on the podcast.  Dylan is a runner and I talk to him about running and writing.

In the back of my mind, I have always wanted to be a writer, because I enjoy the process and get great satisfaction from the work.  This has always been true.  At one point I was pursuing journalism in college but realized that wasn’t going to provide the standard of living I wanted, and instead I turned to business.

This project of RunRunLive came from my desire to write again.  It forces me to write something for every show.

I think the lesson here is that you can still pursue those things you’re passionate about, throughout your life.  You can clear a space for whatever that is and still put boiled potatoes on the table.  There’s always a tradeoff.  Or you can choose to go all in, like Dylan and make a career out of it.

It’s your decision.  It’s not an either/or decision.  It’s and either/and decision.

Let’s face it, there are millions of us runners who will never win a race.  But we still have that passion.  We still like to get out and find our own personal edge and derive that satisfaction.

My new podcast, After the Apocalypse, is letting me play more in science fiction than I have before.  I probably won’t win a Hugo award from it, but I’m learning stuff and enjoying the process.

That’s the lesson.

Find a way to explore things that you might be passionate about.

There’s always a new adventure on the horizon.

On with the show.


About Zero

ZERO — The End of Prostate Cancer is the leading national nonprofit with the mission to end prostate cancer. ZERO advances research, improves the lives of men and families, and inspires action.

Link to my ZERO page: (for Donations)


I’ll remind you that the RunRunLive podcast is ad free and listener supported.  What does that mean? It means you don’t have to listen to me trying to sound sincere about Stamps.com or Audible.. (although, fyi, my MarathonBQ book is on audible) We do have a membership option where you can become a member and as a special thank you, you will get access to member’s only audio. There are book reviews, odd philosophical thoughts, zombie stories and I curate old episodes for you to listen to.  I recently added that guy who cut off is foot so he could keep training and my first call with Geoff Galloway.   “Curated” means I add some introductory comments and edit them up a bit.  So anyhow – become a member so I can keep paying my bills.


The RunRunLive podcast is Ad Free and listener supported. 

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Section one – Knee injuries  – https://runrunlive.com/knee-injuries

Voices of reason – the conversation

Dylan Roche – full-time journalist, blogger, and novelist

Sure! Here’s a headshot, a picture of my book cover, and a picture of me at a book signing, whichever you think would work best for what you need. Here’s my bio:


Dylan Roche is a full-time journalist, blogger, and novelist based in Annapolis, Maryland. When he isn’t busting out words on his laptop, he can usually be found going on long-distance runs or training for his next marathon. His first book, The Purple Bird, debuted in 2019, and he’s currently working on the next installment of the series. Follow him at www.dylanrochewriter.com or on Twitter and Instagram at @dylaniswriting



Section two – Robots – https://runrunlive.com/robots



Ok my friends we have, what?, Roboticized?  Limped?  Written? through to the end of Episode 4-451 of the RunRunLive Podcast.  What ever it is, here we are.

Like I said earlier, I’m still nursing a sore knee.  I made an appointment to take some pictures.  See what’s going on in there.

The snow is gone, and that makes Ollie sad, because one of his favorite things was to pee in the snow.  It is like one of those fancy restaurants where they put shaved ice in the urinals.

Shout out to our friend Tim who’s embarking on the Appalachian Trail next week.  That’s a cool adventure, and I can tell he’s excited about it.

I’ll tell you a story about the last time I had a knee problem.  I think it was 2004.  You may not have heard this story as that is pre-Podcast – unless you were reading my blog at the time!

I used to have an office in Quebec City.  I used to drive up there because it was easier than flying.

I think it was the end of the summer, but I can’t be sure.  Buddy was just a puppy, maybe 9-months old.  I was only a few years into serious running.  I had spent a couple years with Achilles problems but was in a comeback of sorts – running very well – lined up to requalify.

One morning, after rushing through my run, jumping in the shower I headed out, as usual in a rush.

A few aggressive mosquitoes got into the truck with me.  As I was leaving my driveway and my neighborhood I was swatting at these mosquitoes and took my eyes off the road.  I ran into a telephone pole less than a ¼ mile from my house.

Yes I did.  Low speed, but enough to total my truck.  I had my seat belt on but smashed my knee into the dashboard, among other things.

No one believed the mosquito story.  They figured I was on the phone or eating something.

I sorted it out and went on with my trip but there was something not quite right in my right knee.  A visit to the knee doctor confirmed that I had broken the end of the patella.  I was off my feet for the better part of 6 months.

I remember returning to running with Buddy in the trails behind my house, overweight and out of shape.  I remember those first few runs were the dog would literally laugh at my slow progress, and I would tell him to enjoy it because I would some day still be running when he was gone.

I slowly, and then rapidly got into shape, through training and racing.  I eventually requalified that fall and ran the next year’s Boston.

I lost some speed in that layoff that I would not get back, but I found new adventures in trail running, and mountain running and ultra-running that enriched my life.

A few years later I found you folks as well and that kicked off a whole new epoch of adventures.

I’m going to believe that I’m in that same place today.  That in in 2 months or 2 months or six months I’ll be climbing back out to new adventures.

That’s what I will focus on.  New opportunities and new adventures.

That’s what you should focus on as well.

And I’ll see you out there.



MarathonBQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks – http://www.marathonbq.com/qualify-for-the-boston-marathon-in-14-weeks/



Rachel -> http://www.nextlevelnutrition.fitness/contact-appointment/

Coach Jeff -> https://dailyfitbook.com/


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