Keeping it between the lines and avoiding the ditch…

De we expect too much from beginners?

I was driving with my teenager who just got a “Learner’s Permit” this weekend.  My wife thinks that it is the Drivers Ed teacher’s job to teach them how to drive.  My theory is that they have to learn some time and experience is the best teacher.

I relegated my driver’s seat to the student progeny in question and submitted myself to the hair-raising, heart pounding adventure that is a new driver.  What really struck me is that we expect them to know what to do.  We expect them to already know the basics without us having to teach them.

I found myself having to remind my student driver of simple obvious things, like it is important to stay on the road.  It helps to stay between the lines on the road.  It works better if you stay on your side of the road too.   These and many other basic, obvious and simple things, despite our expectations they just don’t know.

We do the same thing with newcomers to our sports.  We scoff at simple questions and assume they know.  They don’t.  Fortunately our virtual community is very supportive.  There are plenty of mentors and teachers in our fold.

We have to have patience with our new runners even when they ask that same shoe question for the millionth time.  We have to have the stoicism of the Driver’s Ed teacher.

I think the worst offenders sometimes are the newly initiated.  Those who have just lost the weight, or just run that first marathon.  They seem to be the ones who are quick to judge.  Like ex-smokers playing the paragons.

Reward the newbie’s questions with affable direction.  Don’t make fun of them.  We are all made stronger by a larger community and there is nothing but profit in spreading the tribal wisdom.


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