

Introductory Comments:




Hello and welcome my friends.  This is Chris and this is the fifth and final in my series of personal podcasts that I am doing, to air out my brain and deal with my father’s cancer and passing and report in on my run for the Liver Foundation at the Boston Marathon this year.

Note:  Even though this is on the RunRunLive Podcast feed, this is NOT the RunRunLive podcast.  You have fair warning to skip now because I’m not talking about running.  Standard RunRunLive episodes will be labeled as such.

As part of this project, whatever this project is, I’m collected donations for the American Liver Foundation to layer on some purpose for the event and make it more personal.

The donation links are in the show notes and at http://go.liverfoundation.org/goto/cyktrussell

My story is that I already had a number for this year’s race.  I Didn’t need to fundraise, but with my Dad’s health declining I thought it would be a decent thing to do to dedicate this to him and my family.

The Boston Marathon.  Monday I ran the Boston Marathon.  It was a glorious day.  Not because I was fast or set a PR, I did not.  It was glorious because it capped the end of a long and sometimes arduous year for me and my friends and my family.

I look back on the year and I see what I have done and it seems like something.  Maybe not the perfect body of work, but something, maybe even something worthy.

My nuclear family had our internment ceremony for my Dad at the Groton Town Ceremony on Tuesday morning after Patriots Day.  It was a beautiful spring day.  My Mom, my brother, my nephew and my sisters had a very peaceful and thoughtful time wandering around the stones and remembering families and people we have known.

My Dad is at rest nowhere Hollis Street meets Martins Pond Road and Chicopee Row, among his peers and friends.

Monday I finished my 13th marathon in 13 months – Boston to Boston.  It was a wonderful day with wonderful crowds and support.  We took back our finish line.  I’m no hero, but I do what I can do with the gifts I’ve been given and if I can keep doing that I think my Dad would be satisfied with my efforts.

Today I’m going to bring you some audio that I recorded on Marathon Monday.  I won’t contextualize it too much but let me give you some hints of what’s going on.

The first recording is riding the bus into Hopkinton with my Buddy Brian.  Then there are people I met and talked to at Athlete’s village – including Bree who was the local TV reporter for WBZ.  Next there are some clips on the way to the start and in the corrals.  Following that you’ll hear us cross the starting line.

During the race you’ll here a couple clips with some interesting people I met.  You’ll here a long loud section in the middle that is the Wellesley College girls or as we call it the ‘scream tunnel’.

As we get closer to the finish I start trying to help people who are struggling and I start having fun with the crowds.  The USA chant is the tipsy coeds at Boston College.

Finally I talk to some people after the finish line as we are getting our medals.

I don’t know when the appropriate time would be to listen to this. Hopefully you can feel the vibe and celebration.

Close your eyes and put yourself on that course you may be transported.

The air is warm and there is a spring sun pouring it’s warmth on your back and shoulders.  The brilliant blue sky is streaked with wispy cirrus clouds.  There is a slight and intermittent breeze from the far reaches of the Atlantic Ocean that kisses your face every now and again.  The trees and bushes are brown with winter but tufted at the tips with the first outpouring of buds.

There are the light footfalls of thousands of runners marching towards Boston.  There are struggles and striving of the average Jill and Joe.  There are the hearty New England crowds in Red Sox hats and black Bruins Hoodies.  They lean in and offer us orange slices, tissues and beer.  And they thank us!  They thank us for running this race! We who are the most privileged to do so are being thanked.

The entire 26.2 miles of spring sunshine cordoned by adoring, grateful and thankful compatriots – that’s something you should do before you die.

Featured Interview:

Sounds of the Boston Marathon

Summary Article:

Thank you for joining me in my Journey.  As I wrap up my campaign for the Liver foundation I want to thank all of my friends who supported me and the Run for Research Team for letting me iron my Jolly Roger patch to one of their shirts.  I hope my small efforts save someone’s life or the life of someone they love.

Thank you.

The best way out is through and the best way through is to pick up your feet and run.

May you have peace and prosperity on your journey.


New Orleans Funeral March.


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Thank you for joining me on my journey with purpose.


Music by Bridge Underwater – “sad song”

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