Episode 126 – Jessi Stensland MovementU

[audio:https://runrunlive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi126.mp3|titles=Episode 126 – Jessi Stensland and MovementU]


Show intro by:

Me! Buy one of my books so I can get a new mountain Bike!

Welcome to the Run-Run-Live Podcast!  – The podcast for runners, wannabe runners and mid-packers of all shapes and sizes who just want to strap on their favorite pair of shoes and get out there!

This is Not Chris your host, Wait, yeah this is Chris, and because none of you lazy Jackals sent me an intro this week, I’m doing it!  But that’s ok because I’ve got something to promote! So…yeah… I’m the guest announcer this week.  When you’re done listening to the RunRunLive Podcast Go to my Website www.runrunlive.com and buy one of my books.  I’ve got two books of running stories, many of which you’ve heard read here.  “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, available in dead tree form from Amazon or as an ebook and the “Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy” also available as an ebook.  Do it now so I can but a new mountain bike for the ultra I have coming up at the end of July!

…So – and wherever and whenever this episode finds you I hope you’re doing great and I hope you’re getting your run in today!  I know I’m getting my run in!

You ready to have some fun?  Come on then, let’s go for a run!

My Books!
The Mid-Packer’s Lament (Amazon) ($16.99)

The Mid-Packer’s Lament (E-Book) ($10)

The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy (E-Book) ($10)


Hello Folks and Welcome to episode 126, we’ve got a good show for you today, we interview Jessi Stensland about her new approach to endurance sports called MovementU.

It’s Saturday morning and I did something out of character and slept in ‘til 7:30 or so.  It is amazing what a full ration of sleep will do for the old body, mind and soul.

I know I missed my publishing deadline last night but I didn’t get back from the airport until 11:30 or so and didn’t have the mental fortitude to push on.  I had recorded in the hotel room this week, but the audio was bad so I’m doing it again this morning as part of a long list of chores.

It’s been a weird and long week.  I flew out to Utah to run the Utah Valley Marathon last weekend.  The race was on Saturday.  My youngest came with me and we had a blast pal-ing around Salt Lake City and eating junk food in Provo.  And the race was interesting too.  The Valley that it runs through is breath-taking, really.  I kept looking up and saying “Wow!” Near vertical mountains shooting up on both sides of the road with snow still clinging to the notches, like something out of a movie.

I ran ok, The last few miles were a struggle because I just didn’t have much training and the downhills ate me up. The course drops a couple thousand feet from start to finish.  I could feel the jet-lag, the altitude and the weird cold I’ve been fighting.  But I got to spend a bunch of time running with Sam Fesenfeld from Operation Jack who is hilarious to run with.  We had the 3:40 pace group well entertained for a few miles.  He ended up pacing exactly to 3:40:00… All-in-All well worth the effort and a great weekend.

But I’ve been on the road all week and I’m getting a little burnt out.  Tried to run Wednesday night and my right calf locked up.  I ran through it but it feels bruised.  So I think I’m trying to do too much and I’m going to focus on the mountain bike and the Wilderness 101 for the rest of the summer and stop jacking around so much with my training.

Also in today’s show Jorge gives us the Futbol Mexicano cheer in honor of the world cup.  And Joe Bears and I act out a little skit called “Border Collie Dreams”.  Collin chips in another song and guess what? You will be able to purchase the Resurrected Runner parody songs as early as next week! Yay!

So – I don’t know how, but the community has come through again and we’ve pulled off a show!

Don’t forget about my new Mountain bike…I need a Motobecane 29er hard tail… yeah.

On with the show!

Audio clips in this episode:

Audio from Utah

Jorge  http://jorgecorre.blogspot.com/ Jorge Romero

You have no idea how we get excited. Today people celebrated as if we had won the world cup. We go loco when it comes to futbol. One cheer we sing very often for you:

Chiquitibun a la bimbomba, Chiquitibun a la bimbomba,
A la bio a la bao a la bimbomba
Mexico Mexico ra ra ra.

Skits, commercials and parodies in this episode:

Border Collie Dreams

Story time:

Text here

Equipment Check:

Text here

Featured Interview:

Jessi Stensland



@jessiStensland on Twitter

Quick Tip:

Boston Chapter 3 – Choosing a race.


Ok folks that’s it.  You have dog-paddled to the end of the treacherous waters in the deep end of the pool known as the RunRunLive Podcast – episode 126 in the can.  I’ve got to get on with my chores for today.  Sending off a signed copy of my book to our friend Dave and I need to make the post office before noon.  If you want a personally signed book for someone I’ve got 4-5 copies of the mid-packer’s Lament left here in the studio I could inscribe and send – just send me an e-mail at cyktrussell@gmail.com – remember the Mountain bike!

Next week we’ll talk with CoachPRS who takes all the mystery out of heart rate training for us. I’ll be back on the road in Minneapolis and Atlanta all week.   Often people ask me “Chris, what do you do that you travel so much?” Well, the truth be told I’m a hit man for the Mafia …and business is good.  Lot’s a evil people needing to be recycled these days.  More work than I can handle, really.

I also have a company called Toe Juice that makes some sort of foot care product that is sending me some juice to review and then we’ll talk to their president and run a contest to give a bunch of stuff away.  Free stuff for you! That’s my mantra.

I got new wheels for my Fuji road bike this week and I’m going to get Anthony to help me put them on.  I don’t think I have the tools or the knowledge for it.  I tried taking the cassette off (that’s the thing with all the gears on the back wheel) and all I got was a hand full of greasy little bike pieces.  I broke the cheap little plastic tire shoe horns that I got from the Cycle Loft trying to get the old tires off.  But it will be sweet riding without those bent wheels.  I want to do some long road stuff this summer.

As always if you have a blog, podcast or cause you want to promote – read the intro for the show – it’s on my web site runrunlive.com that’s run run liberty, indigo, victor, eggplant… all one word.  And if you need any help or have someone you want me to interview drop me a line at cyktrussell at Gmail dot com that’s Chris yellow king tom Russell two esses two ells.

I get from people that they are shy and reserved and don’t want to talk about themselves or promote themselves.  But, you can’t be afraid to promote yourself.   As long as you’re doing it with good intentions and not because you’re greedy, or needy – people will sense that.  If you are coming from the right place, people will be ok with that.

Being out in Salt Lake last week we walked around the seat of the Mormon faith. One of the things that they do is to have new members go out and prostelize.  Basically they make folks do door to door cold calling.  What a great training.  If you can survive the slings and arrows of door-to-door selling you can overcome any fear!

So Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.  I see people frustrated at work that they didn’t get the promotion or raise or whatever but they never asked for it.  As long as you come from a position of abundance, meaning you don’t care whether you get the thing or not.  Meaning that your self image will survive having a few doors slammed and a few phones hung up in your face, as long as you’re comfortable that this reflects not on you, not on your intent, not on your honesty and values.  There is no risk.  You truly have nothing to lose.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  When you ask someone for help you are giving them an opportunity to do something useful, to add value.  When you ask for help you are giving a gift.

It all comes down to courage and self confidence.  Keep trying.  I know you.  You have a good heart and things will work out.  Believe in the abundance of the universe and ask it to manifest for you.  Lean in my friends, lean in…and I will see you out there.

Music tonight is from the Podsafe music network, as all the music is that is used here so go out and give those nice people 99 cents and keep art alive so we can all rejoice in the democracy of joyful noise.

This band is the_provocative_whites-and the song is koschka.mp3





Standard Links:






Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook

Chris’ book on Amazon – > http://www.amazon.com/Mid-Packers-Lament-collection-running-stories/dp/141961584X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1228687012&sr=8-1

Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804

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