Interludes 1.3

Interludes 1.3

(Audio: link)

Link Interludes1.3.mp3

“Interlude of Love” – Backslider


Hello my friends.  Hope you are doing well.  I’m afraid I got squeezed into the wormhole of too many time commitments this week and couldn’t get the first episode of the new version of the RunRunLive podcast put together.

I won’t bore you with excuses.  On the bright side I’m getting closer.  I’ve got the first interview rteady to go and all the rough audio for the intros, outros and bumpers, so hang in there and we’ll get it out to you.

Hope you all enjoyed the NYC race report.  It was a bear to write, edit and produce.  I probably spent 24 hours of work on it and could have spent another 24, but that’s what deadlines are for.  One of the best lessons you’ll ever learn as a creative is how to push out the ‘good enough’ because you will cease to exist before you ever find ‘the perfect’.

MarathonBQ300In lieu of a new episode this week I’m going to give you a teaser from the new book I’ve written.  It’s tentatively called “MarathonBQ, how to qualify for Bosotn in 12 weeks”  Let me know if it sounds interesting or if you have any questions, comments and suggestions.

Hope you are all maintaining your sanity as we forge ahead into these long, cold, dark winter days with the gruesome overload of holidays thrown on top!

Buddy and I have been getting out on the trails.  We’re not training for anything specifically but I’ve started the process of trying to find some good B-Hags.  I don’t train well unless I’ve got some sort of compelling goal, but I don’t want to just do more of the same.

Anyway – I have to bow out with a mea culpa this week but I wanted you to know that I’m still out here and actively engaged 26 hours a day on getting shtuff done.



Zen Runner – “Hold on”

2 thoughts on “Interludes 1.3”

  1. Hello Chris. I listened to the latest podcast during my run this morning and I am interested in the new book. My goal is to qualify for Boston this year, with the hope of getting in the race next year.

    Thanks for all of your valuable advice and companionship during my cold early morning runs.


  2. Thanks for the interest. We’ve got a tentative release date of mid Feb. I’ll put up a pre-buy link when we get a final draft out for promo.

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