Episode 3-273 Loren Fogelman – The Mindset of Champions

The RunRunLive 3.0 Podcast Episode 3-273 Loren Fogelman – The Mindset of Champions

The Winning Point(Audio: link) [audio:http://www.RunRunLive.com/PodcastEpisodes/epi3273.mp3]
Link epi3273.mp3

Support RunRunLive; Purchase an audio book of running stories.  Written and performed with love by Chris Russell  ————-à>>>>>>>http://bit.ly/1cH2Fr7<<<<<<<———–

Introductory Comments:

Hello my friends.  Hope all is well with you. A weekly podcast, seems like old times, eh?  If you are keeping track this is the RunRunLive 3.0 podcast, my name is Chris, I am an multi-dimensional being from the 8th dimension…no, not really but sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it?  This would be Episode 3-273.

Today we have a conversation about the mental aspects of competing with author Loren Fogelman.  I’m one of those annoying people that always says ‘running is 85% mental’.  The silliness of percentages aside, one of the things I like about long distance endurance sports is the mental challenge of it.

In Section One we will talk about the responsibility of community.  In section Two I’m going to discourse on Active Recovery.

It’s been a rest week for me.  Like I said last week, I tweaked a hamstring coming out of my last marathon then re-tweaked it racing on the subsequent weekends.  I decided to take some rest time this past week to see if it would heal.

It’s a strange one because I can run and train on it but I have a fear that it could manifest into something chronic if I don’t at least give it an opportunity to heal.  I’ve had enough of chronic injuries!  Speaking of which the Plantar Fasciitis is 99% healed and not a factor anymore.  You kids who are fighting that nemesis be comforted that there is light at the end of that long tunnel.

Since I wasn’t training as much I took up my second favorite hobby, over-eating and through a focusd campaign of Chinese food and Pizza have gotten the belly back up over 185 pounds.  It will come right back off once I start training again.  I’ve got 6 more marathons to run this calendar year.

I tried to get my bike trainer going out on the porch and managed to get Fuji-san’s back tire patched and get the bike mounted.  I wanted to mount the old Raleigh, but the stupid, cheap pump I bought is already broken and won’t work on the Presta valves.

I haven’t been riding the bike for at least two months you I’m not looking forward to re-acclimating my derriere to the trainer.  The pain cave beckons, but the good news is season 3 of the Walking Dead is up on Netflix so I’ll have company.

I rode the stationary bike at work today.  No issues.  When I came home I too Buddy for a short run I n the woods.  Poor Buddy was sick over the weekend.  I woke up Saturday morning to him being sick in the hall.

He got out and went for an adventure on Friday when I was working from home – so I think he ate something that probably seemed like a good idea at a time, but wasn’t.

With my rest week and schedule I couldn’t get him out for a run all week.  He figures we have a deal.  I take him running in the woods and he does what I want.  If I don’t hold up my end of the deal, all bets are off and as soon as I cracked the door to check the weather he was off for an adventure in the neighborhood.

communityThe seasons are turning.  The leaves camouflage the trail in a carpet of gold and brown.  The Canadian geese settle in the ponds like noisy school children.  The wood are cold and silent except for the portentous winds rattling the dry trees.  In the air is the smell of wild grapes gone by and apples sour from forgotten orchards.  The weaker branches fall and lay on the ground like broken skeletons of soldiers too weak to march into winter.

And so my dog and I run.  It’s all good.  I like the seasons.

That’s it.  Uneventful week I’ve been sorting through all my writing for the last couple years and it looks like I have enough for 3-4 more books.  I’m also on a write every day challenge, which isn’t much of a challenge for me because I like writing and I’m doing it anyhow!

Send me your Netflix Recommendations and any good healthy recipes you have any!

On with the Show!

Section one:

On Community – http://www.runrunlive.com/the-responsibility-of-community

Featured Interview:

loren_058_Loren Fogelman

Links: expertsportsperformance.com and thewinningpointbook.com

Contact info: loren@expertsportsperformance.com
Loren Fogelman is a speaker, author of The Winning Point and founder of Expert Sports Performance.com, a company devoted to teaching you how to be cool, calm and confident under pressure for high performance.

Loren believes that if you have a vision then there’s a way to reach your BIG goal. Tactics and strategy are important, but passion and purpose are the keys to success. That’s because you must stretch beyond your comfort zone to reach your full potential.

She teaches athletes, coaches and trainers that excellence is better than perfection and how to create a new spin on failure.

Adding mindset strategies, designed for success, into your training program leads to better results in less time.  Loren’s mission is to give you a competitive advantage.

Active-RecoverySection two:

Active Recovery – http://www.runrunlive.com/active-recovery


Well I don’t really know what to do about this hamstring pull.  It’s a low level ache and doesn’t really affect my running unless I push.  I was hoping to turn in a few weeks of solid high mileage training incorporating Denver and then race Ft Myers.  I have to be careful not to do any permanent damage because I’ve got 6 more marathons to run before Boston.

I’ll play it by ear, but if easy running is what I’ve got then easy running is what I’ll do.  I’ll take it day by day but the training window for Ft Myers is closing.  Of course I should have some decent fitness from all the racing I did over the last couple months, so you never know.  I need to transition to trail running for a few weeks in preparation for that Indy marathon in December.

No worries.  I’ll take what my body gives me and have fun with it.

This weekend is the Groton Town Forest Trail Races.  One of my favorite races.  I should be back from a road trip with my wife by Sunday, but I’m not racing.  I’ll go over and volunteer.  Amanda, who we interviewed before said she may swing by too.

I have my work blog functioning and I’m pumping our blog posts on it.  I’m trying to integrate some of the social stuff from this experience into my work life.

You have to be careful with this stuff.  People will use it against you.  You’ll get comments along the lines of “You can’t be too busy because I see you had enough time to start your own blog…”

It’s the risk you run. With all companies any time you try to do something new you’re going to run up against well meaning people who are weary of change – it’s not that they are ‘bad’ or even ‘wrong’ they are just like antibodies that will attack anything foreign that invades the body.  It’s normal.

And that’s all I’m saying about that.

Being from Boston I don’t get much sleep because our sports teams are always in the playoffs and I’m forced year-round to stay up late watching exciting playoffs and championships.  I envy you folks from Cleveland and Buffalo…

What do I think about when I’m out running?  Life, love and death…  I’m that shy smart kid in the corner of the, class.  You may not have noticed me. I’m that kid you chose last for anything in gym class.  I’m that kid.  Maybe at some point you’d look over and wonder what was going on in that kid’s head?

If you always ever wondered what strange thoughts darkened that kid’s countenance and what that kid was brooding on?  Well, my friends, this is it.  It was poetic monologues for the RunRunLive Podcast.

Sleep well,


Outro Bumper

Thanks for listening folks I appreciate your support.  RunRunLive is a free service for you because I like writing and telling stories.

I also love to meet folks so feel free to reach out to me at Gmail or any of the other social networking sites.  I’m CYKTRussell.  And as you know that’s Chris-Yellow-King-Tom-Russell with two Esses and two Ell’s.

My Website is http://www.runrunlive.com and most if not all of this content is posted out there.   If you want the show notes to magically show up in your inbox when I publish a show in a beautiful HTML wrapper you can subscribe to the mailing list at my site.  It’s a useful thing if you are moved by something I say and would like to see if what I wrote is the same thing! It also has all the links to everything and everyone I talk to and about.

Other than that, thank you for your attention, do epic stuff and let me know if I can help.


Happy Song – Super Hero – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Superhero

 Links for this show



Other products from Chris Russell you may be interested in

The Mid-Packer’s Lament


On Amazon


On Kindle


On Audio (Read by the author)


The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy


On Kindle


Standard Links:














Cyktrussell At gmail and twitter and facebook and youtube


Dial in number for RunRunLive is – 206-339-7804 (to leave an audio message for the show)



Chris Russell lives and trains in suburban Massachusetts with his family and Border collie Buddy.  Chris is the author of “The Mid-Packer’s Lament”, and “The Mid-Packer’s Guide to the Galaxy”, short stories on running, racing, and the human comedy of the mid-pack.  Chris writes the Runnerati Blog at www.runnerati.com.  Chris’ Podcast, RunRunLive is available on iTunes and at www.runrunlive.com. Chris also writes for CoolRunning.com (Active.com) and is a member of the Squannacook River Runners and the Goon Squad.


Tags -> Running  Podcast, podcasts for running, podcast for runners, free podcast for runners, Running Blog, marathon, triathlon, mileage, sprinting, run, track, training, running clubs, running groups, running shoes, exercise, health, 5k, running, swimming, sports, injuries, stretching, eating, jogging, biking, trail race, 5K, 10K, Ultramarathon, jogging a good exercise, road runner, jogging tips, benefits of jogging, free running, running shoes, marathon training, running, jogging, health and fitness, runners, runner, Boston qualification, Marathon BQ, Boston marathon





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