5 at 5 day 28

5.26 miles, 51 degrees, sunny

Yes that is a 1998 LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon Cotton Tee…

Rain came through yesterday and last night.  Temps dropped down to near chilly.   Certainly no comfort for those in the western states or in Europe who are suffering from a heat wave.  I put on gloves for the first loop with Buddy.

Was up at 5.  The guys paving the road woke me up with the sun early – probably just after 4:00.  I was awake.  I got up and went out.  The trees were still dripping rain from the canopy whenever a gust of wind blew or a squirrel jumped.  The trails were no worse for wear but I could see the washouts from the downpours yesterday.

Did I tell you I saw a black squirrel this week?  Those are not native.  Our native squirrels are big, grey squirrels.  But the red squirrels and the black squirrels are making inroads.

A white tailed deer crossed my path this morning.  I love their coloring in the summer.  Such a nice, rusty red.  Striking.

I also flushed a number of cotton-tail rabbits in the meadow.  Good year for rabbits.  I caught one but it got away when it used reverse psychology on me and I put it in a briar patch.  (editorial note: The speel chack doesn’t like ‘briar’, are we going to loose whole swaths of local culture to the leveling generic-ism of the robots among us?)

Dog fine.  Legs fine.  Thought mostly about work and career today while out in the woods.

The 4th of July holiday is coming up this weekend.  I have some work to do.

Give us the strength to find peace in the struggle, oh lord.




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